All non-permanent employees (i.e. PhD students, postdocs, interns and engineers) working in
the laboratories of the SophiaTech campus (I3S, INRIA, SKEMA, EUROCOM, LEAT, Polytech’Lab,
Mine ParisTech, Géoazur…) and all doctoral students from EDSTIC are ADSTIC members and
therefore have access to our different events. You will receive emails informing you of
upcoming events. If you are not yet registered on the laboratory mailing lists, to receive
our news, you can register here
Events are also
announced on our social networks.
If you would like to become a member of the organizing committee, do not hesitate to send
an email to the address
Organizing events gives you the right to 1
ECTS per year in the category "Autres" of training hours. You can join us at any time
during the academic year. Meetings take place every first Wednesday and every third
Thursday of the month at I3S laboratory (remote participation is possible).