Doctoral leave (césure)

Application for a Ph.D. leave (Order of May 25, 2016)

The PhD leave, called in French a "césure", is the gap taken during the PhD. All doctoral students can apply but the "césure" is not automatic. Selon l'arrêté du 26 Mai 2016: "Exceptionally, at the motivated request of the doctoral student, a non-breakable gap period of a maximum of one year may occur only once, by decision of the head of the institution where the doctoral student is registered, after agreement of the employer, if applicable, and the visa of the thesis supervisor and the director of the doctoral school.
During this period, the doctoral student temporarily suspends his/her training and research work, but may remain enrolled, if he/she wishes, in his/her institution in accordance with the circular relating to the gap period of July 22, 2015. This period is not counted in the duration of the thesis. The institution guarantees the doctoral student who suspends his or her studies his or her registration in the doctoral program at the end of the gap period. When the doctoral student is an employee, it is necessary that the contract may include a break clause to avoid a breach of contract according to the "décret" number 2016-1173 of August 29, 2016 amending Decree No. 2009-464 of April 23, 2009 on contractual doctoral students in public institutions of higher education or research. Please refer to the French page fr more details."

In any case, the doctoral student must fill-in the following form: Dossier de demande de césure.