Industrial careers

More than two thirds of our Doctors start an industrial career at the end of the doctorate. As demonstrated during the professional formations of the thesis, the skills of a young doctor go far beyond his field of research. All the skills, know-how, information retrieval capabilities, precise cummunication, numerous expertise accumulated on the occasion of the thesis, etc., are highly appreciated qualities in industries.

The PhD is a universally world recognized diploma which opens the door to international careers. The international stature of a Doctor is particularly appreciated in multinational companies. They offer them appreciable career developments. Even if we note that French companies still retain a privileged status for engineers and offer little additional benefit to young Doctors, it is a fact that the career development of Doctors is much faster. Even more, the PhD allows to cross many "glass ceilings".

Many Doctors in Information Technologies are hired before their PhD defense. To contact industries:

  • Do not hesitate to spontaneously send CVs, even before the end of the thesis.
  • Your research team is in contact with several industries in the field of your thesis.
  • It is, however, quite clear that you should not limit yourself to companies strictly in the field of the PhD. Your skills go far beyond your thesis subject.
  • During your PhD, subscribe to the various mailing lists, GDR, professional associations, IT professional organizations, professional social networks, etc. Most advertise many job opportunities.
  • Sophia Antipolis is the largest technopole in Europe and offers many job openings. See, for example, the Sophia Antipolis Foundation, wikipedia, the conurbation community, Telecom Valley, Sophia Club Entreprises, etc.
  • It is also quite clear that you should not limit yourself to local companies. For example, explore the possibilities offered by the other technopoles in Europe or elsewhere in the world.

Do not miss the career meeting.