Academic carrers
30% of the ED STIC Doctors pursue a career in research, mainly in public research. Academic position recruitments are of a high standard throughout the world and in France in particular. The few lines below summarize the classic careers in France.
- It is very rare and difficult to obtain a permanent position at the end of the PhD, consequently it is necessary to plan a period of post-doc, preferably abroad to enrich your CV, or a temporary period of teaching and research in a university, again preferably outside the university of your PhD.
- The international relationships of your team can help finding post-doctoral fundings, as well as meetings at international conferences.
- During your PhD, subscribe to the various mailing lists, GDR, professional associations, IT professional organizations, professional social networks, etc. Most advertise many job opportunities.
- French EPST and EPIC (CNRS, Inria, INSERM, INRA, CEA, etc.) sometimes offer post-doctoral fundings. See also national programs such as Campus France.
- French University web sites offer jobs of ATER (Attachés Temporaires d'Enseignement et de Recherche). This is the case for instance at the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis.
- The most frequent French academic research jobs available to young Doctors are:
- Maître de Conférences (MC) if you are fluent in French. To be allowed to apply to the various universities, it is necessary to obtain a "qualification MC" by sending your CV in December to the National Council of Universities.
- Chargé de Recherche (CR) in an EPST or an EPIC.
- After a few years of research, the young researcher can pass a HDR and two types of promotions are classical:
- Professeur des Universités (PR). To apply to different universities, you must have obtained your HDR. If you have not been a Maître de Conférences previously, you must obtain a "PR qualification" by sending your CV to the Conseil National des Universités in December.
- Directeur de Recherches (DR) in an EPST or an EPIC.
Do not hesitate to seek further information by consulting with your supervisors.
Some additional information links: emploi scientifique, Association Bernard Grégory, Association ANDèS, enseignement et professions de la recherche, Ministère de l'éducation nationale.