The Doctoral School
The Ecole Doctorale STIC (the IT Doctoral School, ED 84), under the aegis of the COMUEs (Universities) Université Côte d'Azur (UniCA) and Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL), is authorised to award the doctoral degree in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies. This scientific field covers electronics, computing in the broadest sense, automatic control and signal and image processing, as well as artificial intelligence.
To visit us (by appointment only):
École Doctorale STIC
Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia-Antipolis
I3S - UMR7271 - UniCA CNRS
2000, route des lucioles
Les Algorithmes - bât. Euclide B
06900 Sophia Antipolis - France
Our postal address :
École Doctorale STIC
Laboratoire I3S
CS 40121
06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
Secretariat :
Dana Payan
Secretariat open to doctoral students. Please contact the secretariat to arrange an appointment.
Contact doctoral student representatives:
See also the Center for doctoral studies (maison des études doctorales) of UniCA :
Center for doctoral studies (Maison des Écoles Doctorales, MED) of UniCA
Director of the ED STIC : Jean-Paul Comet
Deputy Director: Sylvie Icart
Deputy Director: Xavier Pennec
Doctoral student representatives: Romain Michelucci, Dalia Hareb