Julien Deantoni

Professor@Universite Cote d'Azur
researcher@I3S/INRIA KAIROS team.

 Previous Teaching


Finite State Machine: resources here
In this course, I give a pragmatic view on the use of Finite State Machine in an engineering context. The goal is to understand how state machines can be used in different contexts to cleanly structure control code. The notion of FSM, code generation, V&V and temporal logic will be investigated both theoretically and practically through the use of different tools and paradigms like, for instance, SCXML, Yakindu and LTSA. The course objective is to keep a good balance between theoretical and practical aspects.
The course will be evaluated based on random/continuous evaluations, graded lab sessions and, at the end, by an exam.

Programmation Multi paradigm en C++: resources here
In this course, I give an introduction to C++ (norm C++11). Its ability to be used for procedural programming, the genericity (templates), some elements of the STL (Standard Template Libray), the use of Lambda expressions, some algorithms and, of course the Object-Oriented capabilities provided by C++.
The course will be evaluated based on random/continuous evaluations, graded lab sessions and, at the end, by an exam.

Final internships management: resources here
In a nutshell, three websites to know: jobteaser, conventions et wints. You and your industrial tutor will receive wints login and password according to the information in your convention, so please be careful when filling the convention.
You're a company and wand to propose an internship, please check HERE

Domain Specific Languages: resources here
In this course, we will explore the benefits and development of Domain Specific Languages. It will be mainly based on pragmatic aspects at the beginning and it ends with new trends and expectations. The course will be evaluated based on intermediate lab reports and an exam.

Language behavioral semantics: resources here and description here
In this course, we will explore the notion of behavioral semantics in practice. After an introduction on executable Languages, we will do a tutorial based on the latest GEMOC studio. Then, we will study the need and the way to specify the behavioral semantics of a language. As a result you will develop a simulation modeling environment for Arduino. The course will be evaluated based on intermediate reports, the state of the arduino simulator and an exam.

Architecting IoT Systems; Beyond Functional Correctness: resources here
In this course, we will explore the importance reasoning beyond functional correctness for IoT systems. It will be mainly based on pragmatic aspects and challenging review of architecture proposed by students. The course will be evaluated based on lab reports and project presentation.

Embedded Applications and Systems: resources here
In this course, we will explore how a micro controler can be programmed without any Operating System or with a very light Real Time Operating System. After some general introduction on the field, the students are putting the hands on, based on the arduino platform and its atmel micro controler.

Introduction to Embedded Software and Systems (ISLE): resources here
In this course, we will explore how a micro controler can be programmed with a very light Real Time Operating System and later without any OS. After some general introduction on the field, the students are putting the hands on, based on the arduino platform and its atmel micro controler.

Proposed Internships


Introduction to Languages and Compilation (L3IA): resources here
In this course, we will explore the notion of language and how it can be built and tooled.

Introduction à l'Informatique: resources here
L'objectif de ce cours est de permettre aux étudiants de L1 de pratiquer la science informatique aux travers d'exemples simples, et ainsi les familiariser avec la notion de langage, programme et algorithme. Ces notions sont aujourd'hui primordiales dans la pratique de toutes les sciences.