Lab on parallelism M1 info 2023-2024

GPU programming with Python and CUDA

Start up:

  • read the lecture notes on GPU/CUDA programming with Python+Numba (see Moodle)
  • open a VPN connection to (use login@MIAGEIA with login replaced with your own login)
  • create an account on
  • create a Python notebook like this one, and start coding with Python

Alternative to MIAGE IA: a third-party VM

If your VPN access does not work (or the above is not working for any reason), you may consider using a third-party VM. Sadly, this usually requires to create an account, often leave a credit card number, etc... So this is not the recommended solution.

Here is how to do it with Google Colab:

  • login to
  • create a new Python notebook
  • use the connect button and modify the type of execution to select a VM based on a GPU (ex: T4 GPU).

Kernel Hello world

  1. Copy and execute the code below
  2. Modify it so as to change the number of threads per bloc, and/or the number of blocks. Find the values that stop NUMBA discarding the NumbaPerformanceWarning`.
  3. Print threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y, threadIdx.z and blockIdx.x , blockIdx.y, blockIdx.z
  4. Try with a 2D grid.
  5. Test the limitations mentioned in Fabrice Huet's lecture on print in kernel and on the arguments passed to the kernel.
In [ ]:
import numba
from numba import cuda

def monKernel():
    print("from", cuda.grid(1),"hello, world!")

gridSize = 3
nbThreadsPerBlock = 4
monKernel[gridSize, nbThreadsPerBlock]()
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numba/cuda/ NumbaPerformanceWarning: Grid size 3 will likely result in GPU under-utilization due to low occupancy.
from 8 hello, world!
from 9 hello, world!
from 10 hello, world!
from 11 hello, world!
from 4 hello, world!
from 5 hello, world!
from 6 hello, world!
from 7 hello, world!
from 0 hello, world!
from 1 hello, world!
from 2 hello, world!
from 3 hello, world!

Hardware limitations

  1. Execute the code below to see what are the hardware limitations
In [ ]:
from numba import cuda
gpu = cuda.get_current_device()
print("name = %s" %
print("maxThreadsPerBlock = %s" % str(gpu.MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK))
print("maxBlockDimX = %s" % str(gpu.MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X))
print("maxBlockDimY = %s" % str(gpu.MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Y))
print("maxBlockDimZ = %s" % str(gpu.MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Z))
print("maxGridDimX = %s" % str(gpu.MAX_GRID_DIM_X))
print("maxGridDimY = %s" % str(gpu.MAX_GRID_DIM_Y))
print("maxGridDimZ = %s" % str(gpu.MAX_GRID_DIM_Z))
print("maxSharedMemoryPerBlock = %s" % str(gpu.MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_BLOCK))
print("asyncEngineCount = %s" % str(gpu.ASYNC_ENGINE_COUNT))
print("canMapHostMemory = %s" % str(gpu.CAN_MAP_HOST_MEMORY))
print("multiProcessorCount = %s" % str(gpu.MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT))
print("warpSize = %s" % str(gpu.WARP_SIZE))
print("unifiedAddressing = %s" % str(gpu.UNIFIED_ADDRESSING))
print("pciBusID = %s" % str(gpu.PCI_BUS_ID))
print("pciDeviceID = %s" % str(gpu.PCI_DEVICE_ID))
  1. See what happens when you run a kernel without respecting these limitations

Kernels that access an array

  1. Write a kernel that takes as argument a 1D numpy array of 32 bits signed integers initialised with zeros and of size gridSize * nbThreadsPerBlock, and that writes a 1 un each array cell (each thread takes care of one cell).
  2. Optimize your code with a transfer of the array from host to device and later from device to host.
  3. Write a kernel that takes as argument a 1D numpy array t of unsigned 32 bits integers initialised with t[i]==i for all index i. The kernel copies t[i+1] into t[i] (i.e. for i range(len(t)) in parallell: t[i] = t[i+1]). What do you observe? Try with different grid sizes and numbers of threads per block.

Image manipulation

  1. Based on this introduction to the manipulation of images with PIL write a function that takes a colorfull RGB image and returns its grayscale version.
  2. Optimise your function with a kernel. Start with a small image, like lena.png, and then with larger images, like mona-lisa.jpg, making sure you respect all hardware limitations.

Game of life

  1. Write a function life(initial_configuration,nb_iterations) that takes an array of integer (either 0 or 1) and a number of iterations of the rule of life, and returns the final configuration.
  2. Optimize your function with a kernel. Remember that cuda.synchronize() introduces a synchronization barrier.