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Let’s start with a quick tour of threads management in Java.
Exercise In exo1_compteur/ you will find the code of a concurrent counter. Read it to learn how to start a thread in Java, either by implementing the interface Runnable or through an anonymous function. Do you still remember what a concurrent access (data race) is? Run the program to refresh your memory.
Your mission: explore different approaches to avoid such data races.
Each time, define a new class that implements Compteur
: use a mutex (see lesson last week). Java’s
Lock interface documentation is your friend.CompteurAtomic
: use an atomic
: use the compareAndSet
of atomic integers.CompteurSynchronized
: prefix the declaration of method
with the keyword synchronized
.A monitor is a program structure invented by Per Brinch Hansen and Tony Hoare that first appeared in the Concurrent Pascal language. Although the idea was therefore not originally formulated in the object paradigm, it can be described simply as an object in which the methods (declared synchronizedin Java) execute in critical section. So there is an implicit mutex associated with the object. A monitor also has a condition variable associated with this mutex. This is a new synchronization primitive that we now need to talk about.
Before explaining how it works, let’s try to give an implementation of a semaphore without condition variable. A semaphore is a positive and blocking atomic counter: on the one hand, it can be incremented atomically (release), and on the other hand, it can be atomically decremented (acquire). Acquire is blocking: the value after decrement must remain positive or zero. In particular, a semaphore can be used as a lock: with a value of 1, the lock is free, and with a value of 0, the lock is taken. This is another very classic synchronization primitive available in the standard Java library, see java.util.concurrent.Semaphore , and as often we will redefine it simply for educational purposes.
interface Semaphore {
void set(int initValue);
void acquire(); // <- blocking!
void release();
class LockSemaphore<S extends Semaphore> implements Lock {
private final S s;
LockSemaphore(S s){
this.s = s;
public void lock() { s.acquire(); }
public void unlock() { s.release(); }
// [...]
// cheating a bit, there would be other methods to implement
Exercise : Complete the code in
and give an
implementation of a semaphore with a AtomicInteger
. Run and
verify that your implementation is correct.
Would we want to implement a semaphore using a monitor, without knowing the condition variables, we could have naively written this
class SemaphoreNaif implements Semaphore {
private int val;
SemaphoreNaif(int initValue){ val = initValue;}
synchronized void release(){ val++; }
synchronized void acquire(){
while( val < 1 );
Question Do you see why this is such a bad idea?
Now back to condition variables. A condition variable allows a
thread, in the middle of a critical section, to wait
. When
it starts waiting, a thread treleases the lock to allow another thread
to take it, and falls asleep. Later, another thread, in the middle of
the critical section, can signal the condition variable. This signaling
thread then wakes up one (notify
) or all
) waiting threads. The signaller retains the
lock, the awakened thread(s) are just put back into the lock queue. When
they acquire the lock, they will resume the critical section right after
the wait where they fell asleep. If no thread was asleep at the time of
the signal, the signal is lost. To implement a semaphore, we can
therefore define the monitor as follows.
class SemaphoreMonitor implements Semaphore {
private int val;
private final int init;
SemaphoreMonitor(int initValue){ init = val = initValue; }
synchronized void release(){
valif ( val == 1 ) notifyAll();
synchronized void acquire(){
while ( val < 1 ) wait();
int getInit() { return init; }
Questions :
synchronized?if ( val < 1 ) wait();
?One of the benefits of threads is that they can improve the performance of a program when it is executed on a multicore machine (in other words, almost any machine today). There are several “patterns” of code parallelization that you need to know, we are going to focus for the moment on the simplest of them, loop parallelization, and we are going to do it on a very simple problem, the counting of the number of occurrences of a given value in an array.
Run and read the code in the
Implement the method nbOccursParallel2
calculates the number of occurrences using two threads that share the
first and second half of the array. Run and verify that the result is
correct and the speedup reasonable.
Implement the method nbOccursParallelN
calculates the number of occurrences using N threads. Execute and verify
that the result is correct and the speedup reasonable (beware, thread
creation is expensive, you will be far from a speedup of N).
Re-implement the method nbOccursParallelNusing an ExecutorService and ArrayLista Future .