Research topics
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Students Projects
Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
New interactive strategies for virtual reality streaming in degraded context of use
Revisiting Deep Architectures for Head Motion Prediction in 360° Videos
Film editing: new levers to improve VR streaming
Foveated streaming of virtual reality videos
Low-complexity heuristics to beam selection and rate adaptation in sparse massive MIMO systems
Quality of Experience-based Routing of Video Traffic for Overlay and ISP Networks
Random linear coded distributed caching for video streaming over D2D
Snap-changes: a dynamic editing strategy for directing viewer's attention in streaming virtual reality videos
A Green Video Control Plane with Fixed-Mobile Convergence and Cloud-RAN
Low complexity beam selection for sparse massive MIMO systems
Cross-layer scheduler for video streaming over MPTCP
Optimal Selection of Adaptive Streaming Representations
Transcoding live adaptive video streams at a massive scale in the cloud
Is it worth adapting sub-wavelength switching control plane to traffic variations?
Optimal set of video representations in adaptive streaming
Optimization Framework for Uplink Video Transmission in HetNets
Optimized Adaptive Streaming Representations based on System Dynamics
Balancing CapEx reduction and network stability with stable routing-virtual topology capacity adjustment (SR-VTCA)
(Non-)Reconfigurable Virtual Topology Design Under Multihour Traffic in Optical Networks
Heuristic Approaches for Periodic Reconfiguration of Lightpath-based Networks under Multi-hour Traffic
Robust upgrade in optical networks under traffic uncertainty
Wavelength assignment for reducing in-band crosstalk attack propagation in optical networks: ILP formulations and heuristic algorithms
Mixed line rate virtual topology design considering nonlinear interferences between amplitude and phase modulated channels
Multi-hour network planning based on domination between sets of traffic matrices
Virtual topology design and flow routing in optical networks under multihour traffic demand
Scheduled Virtual Topology Design under periodic traffic in transparent optical networks
Software Tools and Methods for Research and Education in Optical Networks
MatPlanWDM: An Educational Tool for Network Planning in Wavelength-Routing Networks