Network of Excellence in Distributed Computing System Architecture


Work Area: Distributed Systems, Reliability and Dependability

Keywords algorithms, operating systems and kernels, programming support environments and languages, dependability, high-speed networks, multimedia systems, real-time systems

Start Date: 24 July 92 / Duration: 36 months / Status: running

[ participants / contact ]

Abstract CABERNET brings together a number of internationally-ranked European research groups, sited in academic institutions and industrial laboratories, who are researching the problems of designing large-scale distributed computing systems and investigating the opportunities provided by them.


CABERNET aims to coordinate and strengthen the research, the research training activities and the industrial linkages of research groups involved in work related to distributed computing systems architectures. It intends to provide a long-term stable basis for research cooperation and integration and a challenging trans-European environment for research students. Moreover, industrial involvement in CABERNET, whether via membership or affiliation, will offer increased and enhanced means of interacting with industry. Members will obtain valuable feedback from industry about their research and industry will access a known reservoir of competence aimed at technology transfer. CABERNET continues the work of the pilot phase (Network 3702).

The topic of distributed computing systems architectures is particularly appropriate for a Network, as by its nature it can provide an arena for investigating the problems of large-scale distributed systems from an unusually broad perspective.


CABERNET's eleven managing nodes are responsible for the coordination and administration of the Network. The CaberNet Executive Board is responsible for all policy decisions. It consists of one senior representative of each managing node plus a representative of associate node interests and an ex officio representative of the European Commission. The Executive Board is assisted by four work area committees on Research Coordination, Research Training, Links to Industry and Infrastructure Planning. Day-to-day administration of CaberNet is the responsibility of the Administrative Coordinator.


Research Coordination

  • the production of an evolving inventory of the "state of play" of distributed systems research
  • plenary workshops of the Network
  • a number of short-term, exploratory research exchanges and visits
  • an exploratory workshop specifically aimed at young scientists in the Network.

Research Training

  • establishment of the CABERNET Research Training Institute for the receipt of fellows under the Human Capital and Mobility Programme
  • an evolving inventory of PhD programmes.

Industrial Liaison

  • establishment of an Industrial Liaison Database
  • establishment of the CABERNET Industrial Affiliates Scheme
  • production of the CABERNET Consultancy Services Directory, a resume of services offered to industry by CABERNET members.

Infrastructure Planning

  • establishment of the CABERNET Information Sharing Service, a UNIX-based system of interconnected Andrew File System servers
  • the lead role in the specification of infrastructure requirements for all networks of excellence.

Information Dissemination Activies

Further Information about CaberNet is available from the CaberNet home page.


University of Newcastle - UK
Department of Computing Science
UK - Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU

CABERNET Nodes (*managing nodes)

Alcatel Austria Research Centre GmbH - A
*Technical University of Vienna - A
Université Catholique de Louvain - B
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - CH
GMD-Fokus - D
Universität Dortmund - D
Universität Erlangen-Nuernberg - D
Universität Hamburg - D
Universität Karlsruhe - D
*Universität Kaiserslautern - D
*Universität Saarlandes - D
Universität Stuttgart - E
Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya - E
Bull-IMAG - F
*Chorus Systèmes - F
Computer Technology Institute - GR
*Universiti di Bologna - I
*Universiti di Pisa and Scuola Superiore S'Anna - I
Trinity College Dublin - IRL
University of Coimbra - P
*Universiteit Twente - NL
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht - NL
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - NL
University of Tromsoe - N
Chalmers University of Technology - S
Swedish Institute of Computer Science - S
APM Ltd - UK
City University - UK
Imperial College - UK
Lancaster University - UK
*University of Cambridge - UK
*University of Newcastle upon Tyne - UK
University of York - UK
LCMI, Florianopolis - Brazil


Prof. B. Randell / Nick Cook
tel +44/91-222-7827
fax +44/91-222-8232

CABERNET - 6361, August 1994

please address enquiries to the ESPRIT Information Desk

html version of synopsis by Nick Cook


Laboratoire I3S
Polytech - Nice - Sophia
930 Route des Colles
BP 145
F-06903 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX

Email : riveill at


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