Extended Stay Support Scheme (ESSS)
Starting from the present edition of MCU 2024 and CMC 2024 we propose to attendees an extended stay support scheme with a twofold purpose: starting or enhancing scientific collaborations and decreasing the carbon footprint generated by research activities.

Attendees are strongly encouraged to couple their stay in Nice for the conference with visit to local or neighboring research institutes.

This initiative is primarily intended for attendees travelling long distances to reach the conference site. Upon acceptance the involved research Institute may (partially) cover standard expenses for research activities (excluded: accommodation and living expenses; travelling expenses).

- must attend MCU 2024 or CMC 2024 conference
- visit dates must contain the conference dates
- no travels by plain during the visit period

How to apply:
Applications are to be sent by email to one of the chairs. The application should contain:
- the name of the visitor (attending the conference)
- the name of the local collaborator
- the dates of the visit
- a few lines on the research program which is going to be realized

Attribution criteria:
- we try our best to satisfy as much applications as possible
- if too many applications are received, most distant visitors will be favored.
Research institutions participating to the scheme
I3S (in Sophia Antipolis, 1h by coach from Nice)
Potential research teams: COATI (Combinatorics, Optimization, and Algorithms for Telecommunications, also with Inria), MDSC (Discrete Models for Complex Systems)
Contacts: Nicolas Nisse (nicolas[DOT]nisse[AT]inria[DOT]fr) and Enrico Formenti (enrico[DOT]formenti[AT]univ-cotedazur[DOT]fr), respectively

LIS (in Luminy (Marseille), 2,5 hours from Nice)
Potential research teams: CANA (Natural Computing)
Contact: Antonio Enrico Porreca (antonio[DOT]porreca[AT]lis-lab[DOT]fr)

LIFO (in Orléans, 9 hours by train from Nice)
Potential research teams: GAMOC (graph algorithms and computation models)
Contact: Mathieu Liedloff (mathieu[DOT]liedloff[AT]univ-orleans[DOT]fr)

SYSLAB (in Milan - Italy, 5 hours by train from Nice)
Research domain: (complex systems, reaction systems, P-systems, discrete dynamical systems)
Contact: Alberto Dennunzio (alberto[DOT]dennunzio[AT]unimib[DOT]it)

NATURAL COMPUTING LAB (in Milan - Italy, 5 hours by train from Nice)
Research domain: (natural computing, molecular computing, P-systems, neural networks)
Contact: Claudio Zandron (claudio[DOT]zandron[AT]unimib[DOT]it)

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