

Interaction graphs of isomorphic automata networks I: complete digraph and minimum in-degree
Florian Bridoux, Kévin Perrot, Aymeric Picard Marchetto, Adrien Richard
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 138, 2023, Pages 103458.
paper, preprint, bibtex


Complexity of limit cycles with block-sequential update schedules in conjunctive networks
Julio Aracena, Florian Bridoux, Luis Gómez, Lilian Salinas
paper, preprint, bibtex


Complexity of fixed point counting problems in Boolean Networks
Florian Bridoux, Amélia Durbec, Kévin Perrot, Adrien Richard
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 226, 2022, Pages 138-164.
paper, preprint, bibtex


Sequentialization and Procedural Complexity in Automata Networks
Florian Bridoux
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 898, 2022, Pages 92-109.
paper, preprint, bibtex


Expansive automata networks
Florian Bridoux, Maximilien Gadouleau, Guillaume Theyssier
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 843, 2020, Pages 25-44.
paper, preprint, bibtex


Complete Simulation of Automata Networks
Florian Bridoux, Alonso Castillo-Ramirez, and Maximilien Gadouleau
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 109, 2020, Pages 1-21.
paper, preprint, bibtex



Complexity of limit-cycle problems in Boolean networks
Florian Bridoux, Caroline Gaze-Maillot, Kévin Perrot, Sylvain Sené
Procedings of SOFSEM'21 (SOFtware SEMinar), Pages 135-146
paper, preprint, bibtex


Commutative automata networks
Florian Bridoux, Maximilien Gadouleau, Guillaume Theyssier
AUTOMATA'20 Proceedings, Pages 43-58.
paper, preprint, bibtex


On simulation in Automata Networks
Florian Bridoux, Maximilien Gadouleau, Guillaume Theyssier
CIE'20 Proceedings, Pages 277-288.
paper preprint, bibtex


Complexity of Maximum Fixed Point Problem in Boolean Networks
Florian Bridoux, Nicolas Durbec, Kévin Perrot, Adrien Richard
CIE'19 Proceedings, Pages 132-143.
paper, preprint, bibtex


On the cost of simulating a parallel Boolean automata network by a block-sequential one
Florian Bridoux, Pierre Guillon, Kévin Perrot, Sylvain Sené, Guillaume Theyssier
TAMC'17 Proceedings, Pages 112-128.
Paper, preprint, bibtex


A reliable and evolutive web application to detect social capitalists
Nicolas Dugué, Anthony Perez, Maximilien Danisch, Florian Bridoux,
Amélie Daviau, Tennessy Kolubako, Simon Munier, Hugo Durbano
IEEE/ACM'15 Proceedings, Pages 741-744.
paper, preprint, bibtex