Marie-Agnès PERALDI-FRATI - publications


Liste des principales conférences dans le domaine de l'IDM et les systèmes embarqués ici


M-A Peraldi.
Conception et réalisation de systèmes temps réel par une approche synchrone . Thèse de doctorat de l'Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Juillet 93, Président : Gerard BERRY Directeur de recherche Ecole des Mines Rapporteurs : Paul CASPI Directeur de recherche CNRS IMAG Jean-Claude GENTINA Professeur Ecole Centrale Lille Directeur : Charles ANDRE, Professeur UNSA Examinateur : Fernand BOERI Professeur UNSA

Ouvrages Collectifs

[63] F. Mallet, M-A Peraldi-Frati, J. Deantoni, R. DeSimone.
UML MARTE Time Model and its Clock Constraint Specification Language. In book: Handbook of Research on Embedded Systems Design, Chapter: 2 pp.29-51 , June 2014, IGI Publisher, Advances in Engineering Science Reference, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6194-3.ch002.
M-A Peraldi-Frati, C. Urtado, Editeurs
Actes de la conférence CIEL 2014 - Conférence en Ingénierie du logiciel . pp.158 , Juin 2014, Organisation : C. Dubois, N. Levy, CNAM, Paris,


[50] A. Albinet, H. Dubois, M-A Peraldi-Frati.
MeMVaTEx : des exigences aux modèles dans le domaine automobile. REE Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique, SEE Editeur, Février 2009
[0] Bayart M., Lemaire E. Peraldi-Frati M.-A., André C.
External and SyncCharts Description of an Automobile Cruise Control System. Control Engineering Practice, Vol 7, October 1999, pp. 1259-1267
[1] C. André , F. Boulanger , M.-A. Peraldi , J.-P. Rigault , G. Vidal-Naquet,
Objects and Synchronous Programming. RAIRO-APII-JESA, Vol. 31, n° 3, 1997, pp. 417-432.
[2] C. André and M-A. Peraldi ,
Predictability of a RTX2000-based implementation. Real-Time Systems Journal, Kluwer Academic,10(3):223--244, May 1993.
[26] C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Grafcet and synchronous languages RAIRO A.P.I.I., 27(1):95-205, 1993.


S. Medjiah, T. Monteil, M-A. Peraldi-Frati, L. Liquori, B. Flynn.
Demonstration of Performance Evaluation and Analysis for oneM2M Planning and Deployment. . ETSI, SmartM2M Working Group, Oct. 2024,
S. Medjiah, T. Monteil, L. Liquori, M-A. Peraldi-Frati, B. Flynn.
OneM2M Performances Evaluation Tool. . ETSI, SmartM2M Working Group, Oct. 2024,
[72] B. Flynn, S. Medjiah, T. Monteil, L. Liquori, M-A. Peraldi-Frati.
OneM2M deployment guidelines and good practices . ETSI, SmartM2M Working Group, Oct. 2024,
[71] B. Flynn, L. Liquori, M-A. Peraldi-Frati, S. Medjiah, T. Monteil.
Scenarios for evaluation of oneM2M deployments . ETSI, SmartM2M Working Group, Jul. 2023,
[70] S. Myeong Jeong, S. Kumar, A. Cimmino, R. G. Castro, L. Liquori, M.-A.Peraldi-Frati , E. Scarrone, J. Koss, B.Flynn.
Study for oneM2M; Discovery and Query specification development . ETSI, SmartM2M Working Group, 2021,
[69] L Liquori, M-A.Peraldi-Frati, A.Cimmino, R.G. Castro, A. Qadir Khan et al.
Study for oneM2M; oneM2M Discovery and Query solution(s) simulation and performance evaluation . ETSI, SmartM2M Working Group, 2021,
[68] L.Liquori, M.-A.Peraldi-Frati, A. Qadir Khan, A. Cimmino, S. Myeong Jeong et al.
Study for oneM2M; Discovery and Query solutions analysis & selection . ETSI, SmartM2M Working Group, 2020,
[67] L. Liquori, M-A. Peraldi-Frati, A. Cimmino, S. Myeong Jeong, J. Koss et al.
Study for oneM2M Discovery and Query use cases and requirements . ETSI, SmartM2M Working Group, 2019.

Conférences Internationales

S. Medjiah, T. Monteil, M.A Peraldi-Frati, L. Liquori.
Multi-layered Model for Performance Evaluation of oneM2M-based IoT Solution. . In 7th IFIP international internet of things (IoT) conference - IFIP-IoT, Sophia-Antipolis, Nov 2024,
[65] C.Boudjennah, B.Combemale, D.Extertier, S.Lacrampe M.-A. Peraldi-Frati.
CLARITY: Open-Sourcing the Model-Based Systems Engineering Solution Capella. Second Workshop on Open Source Software for Model Driven Engineering (OSS4MDE'15), 2015, Ottawa, Canada. CEUR, 2015,,
[62] A. Goknil, J. DeAntoni, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati and F. Mallet.
Tool Support for the Analysis of TADL2 Timing Constraints using TimeSquare. . In 18th Inter. Conf. on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Singapore, Jul. 2013,
[61] A. Goknil, J. Suryadevara, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati and F. Mallet.
Analysis Support for TADL2 Timing Constraints on EAST-ADL Models. . In European Conference on Software Architecture ECSA 2013, Montpellier, FR, Jul. 2013,
[60] A. Goknil, M-A Peraldi-Frati.
A DSL for Specifying Timing Requirements. . In Mode-Driven Requirement Workshop of the RE 2012 conference, Chicago, USA, Sep 2012, MoDRE Proceedings
[59] M-A Peraldi-Frati, A. Goknil, M. Adedjouma, P.-Y. Gueguen.
Modeling a BSG-E Automotive System with the Timing Augmented Description language. . In 5th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (IsoLA'12), Heraklion, Greece, 15-18 Oct. 2012.
[58] M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, A. Goknil, J. DeAntoni, J Nordlander.
A timing model for specifying multi clock automotive systems. The Timing Augmented Description Language V2 . In 17th IEEE Int. Conf. on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ICECCS 2012, 10 pages, July 2012, Paris FR.
[57] S. Kuntz, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, H. Blom, D. Karlsson.
Timing Modeling with AUTOSAR. Current State and Future Directions . In DATE 2012. Design Automation & Test in Europe, Dresden, Germany, March 2012, 5 pages.
[56] M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, D. Karlsson, A. Hamann, S. Kuntz, J. Nordlander.
The TIMMO-2-USE project: Time modeling and analysis to use . In ERTS2012 International Congres on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems", Toulouse, France, February 2012, 10 pages,
[55] M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, J. DeAntoni
Scheduling Multi Clock Real Time Systems: From Requirements to Implementation . In International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing", Newport Beach, United States, IEEE computer society, March 2011, pp 50--57, NewPort Beach [DOI : 10.1109/ISORC.2011.16],
[54] M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, A. Albinet
A model for requirements traceability in an heterogeneous model-based design process . In Proceeding of the 8th European Dependable Computing Conference, IEEE computer society, EDCC'10, pp 11--14, April 2010, Valencia Spain. [DOI : 10.1109/EDCC.2010.3],
[52]H. Dubois, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, F. Lakhal
A model for requirements traceability in an heterogeneous model-based design process. In IEEE In 15th IEEE Int. Conf. on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, ICECCS 2010, pp 233--242, March 2010, Oxford UK. [DOI:10.1109/ICECCS.2010.27],
[51]F. Mallet, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, C. André
MARTE CCSL to execute East-ADL Timing Requirements. In IEEE Int. Symposium on Objects and Real-time components ISORC2009 Tokyo, Japan, May 2009. DOI: 10.1109/ISORC.2009.18.
[49] M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, Y. Sorel.
From high-level modelling of time in MARTE to real-time scheduling analysis. In Int. Workshop on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems, MODEL'S 2008, Toulouse, France, September 2008.
[3] M-A Peraldi-Frati, Y Sorel, - J.-L. Boulanger, H. Dubois, A. Albinet O. Casse
The MeMVaTEx Methodology: From Requirements to Models in Automotive Application Design,
4th Int. Congress on Embedded Real Time Software ERTS2008, Toulouse, Jan 2008.
[4] C. André, F. Mallet, and M.-A. Peraldi-Frati.
A multiform time approach to real-time system modeling : Application to an automotive system. Int. IEEE.Symp. on Industrial Embedded Systems IES2007, pages p. 234-241, Lisboa, Portugal, jul 2007.
[5] A. Albinet, J.-L. Boulanger, H. Dubois, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, Y. Sorel, and Van Quang.
Model-based methodology for requirements traceability in embedded systems. In European Conference on Model Driven Architecture Traceability Workshop ECMDA2007, pages p. 27-36, Haifa, Israel, june 2007.
[6] C. André, F. Mallet, and M.-A. Peraldi-Frati.
Multiform time in UML for real-time embedded applications. In IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications RTCSA2007, page 6 p., Daegu, Korea, aug 2007. .
[7] F. Mallet, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, C. André
From UML to Petri Nets for non functional Property Verification
., IEEE symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems IES'2006, , Antibes, France, October 2006.
[8] C. André, F. Mallet, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati,
Real-Time Architecture Description and Quantitative Analysis using OMER3 Workshop, Paderborn, October 2005.
[9] C André, M.A Peraldi-Frati, J.P Rigault
Integrating the Synchronous Paradigm into UML: Application to Control-Dominated Systems
", UML 2002, Dresden (D), in Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, pp 438-444, October, 2002
[10] C. André, M.A. Peraldi-Frati, J.-P. Rigault,
Scenario and Property Checking of Real-Time Systems Using a Synchronous Approach
4th IEEE Int. Symp on Object-oriented Real-time distributing Computing ISORC2001, Magdeburg, pp 438_444. May,2-4 2001,
[11] C. Andre, M.A. Peraldi-Frati, J.P. Rigault,
Checking UML dynamic diagrams: a synchronous approach UML 2000 Workshop: dynamic behaviour in UML models, York UK, October 2-3, 2000.
[12] C. Andre, M.A. Peraldi-Frat, Behavioral Specification of a circuit using SyncCharts : a case Study. Euromicro 2000, Maastricht, the Netherlandspp 91-98, September 5-7, 2000..
[13] C.Andre, M.A. Peraldi , J.P. Rigault, Introducing the Synchronous Approach into a Real-Time Course , Real Time Education Workshop 97 RTAS'97 Montréal (C), published in Real Time Systems Education II, Mossé, Zalewski Ed. IEEE, pp 104-109, June 1997,
[14] T Kouthon and M-A Peraldi and J-D Decotignie
Distributing Grafcet Software , In ISSCI'96, Int. Symp. on Software Computing for Industry, Montpellier (F), Mai 1996.
[15] T.Kouthon et J.D.Decotignie and M.A. Peraldi
Distribution of PLC controllers
, In IEEE Inter. Conf. on Syst. Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver (Canada), October 1995.
[16] M.A. Peraldi and J.D. Decotignie.
Combining real-time features of local area networks: FIP and CAN, In 2sd International ICC CAN Conf., pages 8-11--8-21, London (UK), October 1995.
[17] M-A Peraldi and J-D Decotignie and T Kouthon,
Intelligent Control for Safety-Critical Applications , IEEE SMC'95, Int. Conf. on Syst. Man and Cybernetics, pp 2994-2999,Vancouver (CA),October 1995.
[18] T Kouthon and J-D Decotignie and M-A Peraldi
On criteria for distributing PLC control , IEEE SMC'95, Int. Conf. on Syst. Man and Cybernetics, pp 3822-3827, Vancouver (CA),October 1995.
[19] M.A. Peraldi and J.D. Decotignie
Object-oriented approach for safe critical applications In IEEE Inter. Conf. on Syst. Man and Cybernetics,Vancouver (CA), October 1995.
[20] M-A. Peraldi and J-D. Decotignie,
A design framework for real-time reactive applications
IEEE IECON'95, Orlando (Floride), November 1995, pages 144--149.
[21] C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Simulation of temporal behaviour based on a synchronous language In IEEE.Inter.Workshop on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems MASCOTS'94, pages 147-251, Durham (USA), February 1994.
[22] Marie-Agnès Peraldi, Charles André, and Hédi Boufaied
Distributed synchronous processes for control systems,
In 12th Work. on Distributed Computer Control Systems, pages 41--46, Toledo (Spain), September 1994. IFAC.
[23] C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Synchronous programming: Introduction and application to industrial process control In 7th Annual European Computer Conference, pages 461--470, Evry (France), May 1993. IEEE. Technical Report RR 93-25, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France, May 1993.
[24] , C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Effective implementation of Esterel programs In 5th IEEE.Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, pages 262--267, Oulu (Finland), June 1993.
[25] C. André, S. Elkhattabi, J.C. Gentina, and M.A. Peraldi
Esterel programming in FMS In Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pages 252--257, Le Touquet (France), 17--20 October 1993. IEEE/SMC.
[27] C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Using the synchronous language Esterel in simulation In MIM-S2, pages 83--88, Brussels (Belgium), April 1993. IMAC/IFAC.
[28] C. André and M-A. Peraldi
From Esterel to Forth, In SIGForth'92 FORTH Language Workshop, Kansas-City (USA), Mars 1992.
[29] C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Synchronous programming of a real-time microcontroller, In 4th Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, pages 60--65, Athens (Greece), June 1992. IEEE.
[30] C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Hard real-time system implementation on a microcontroller , In IBRA/BIRA International Workshop on real-time programming, pages 185-289, Bruges (Belgium), June 1992. IFAC.

Conférences nationales

[53] M-A Peraldi-Frati, F. Mallet, J Déantoni
MARTE for modeling and verification of real-time embedded systems.
1er Colloque International RUNSUD 2010 , 23-25 mars, 2010, Sophia Antipolis(F). pp 480-489.
PDF Article , RUNSUD proceedings
[31] M-A Peraldi-Frati, C André, J-P Rigault
UML et le paradigme synchrone : Application à la conception de contrôleurs embarqués.
RTS 2002, 26-28 mars, 2002, Paris (F). Edition birp, pp 71-89.
[32] C. André, M.A. Peraldi-Frati, D. Gaffé
Plate-forme de conception de systèmes automatisés, TICE 2000, Troyes, 18-20 Octobre, 2000, pp 121_126.
[33] L. Blanc, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, C. Andre
R-PORTS : une plateforme d'aide à la Conception d'Applications Réparties , MSR'99, Modélisation des systèmes réactifs, Cachan, France, Mars 99, Hermès pp 395-404.
[34] C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Programmation synchrone d'applications temps-réel sur microcontrôleurs.In Conférence Solutions Informatiques Temps-Réel, pages 19--24, Paris (France), Janvier 1993. Neuf Associés.
[35] C. Andre, F. Boulanger, M.A. Péraldi, J.-P. Rigault,and G. Vidal-Naquet.
Objets et programmation synchrone. In Conf. Modélisation des Systèmes réactifs, Afcet, pages 55--62, Brest (F), Mars 1996.
[36] C. André and M-A. Péraldi
Grafcet et langages synchrones In Conférence Grafcet'92, pages 91-200, Paris, Mars 1992. Afcet.,Technical Report RR 92--01, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 1992.

Rapports de contrats

[37] Profet ANR 2005 MeMVaTEx : Méthode de Modélisation et de Validation pour la Traçabilité des Exigences, Siemens-Inria-UTC-CEA-Monditech,, 2006-2009 Pôle de compétitivité Systematic/Numatech Automotive
[38] AS 195 Composants et Architectures Temps réel., A.-M. Deplanche, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, F. Mallet, C. André,and al.Rapport de synthèse et Annexes Technical report, IRCCyN, 2005, no RI2005.
[39] Approches asynchrones / synchrones des systèmes flexibles de production
C. André, C. Ausfelder, D. Delfieu, S. Elkhattabi, D. Gaffé, J.C. Gentina, L. Kermad, J.P. Maik, R. Moisand, M.A. Péraldi, and A.E.K. Sahraoui Technical Report DRED Soutien des Programmes SPI, I3S/LAAS/LAIL, Sophia-Antipolis, France, Septembre 1993.
[40] Etude d'une machine d'exécution pour le langage synchrone Esterel C. André, R. Bernhard, J-P. Marmorat, M-A. Péraldi, J-P. Rigault, and J-M. Tanzi, Technical Report CNET 91 5B 058, CERICS/CMA/I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France, Mai 1993.

Rapports de recherche

[66] Infrastructure & Design of Embedded Connected-Object Services: Application to Activity Daily Live monitoring.
M-A Peraldi-Frati, J-L Salvat, N Le Thanh, T-H Hoang, T.-H.-H Nguyen [Research Report] Laboratoire I3S / UNS; Institut DNIIT. 2018, Rapport hal-01878140
[52] MARTE CCSL and East-ADL2 Timing Requirements.
F. Mallet, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, C. André, , RR INRIA-6781, 21 pages Déc 2008
[41] Non-functional Property Analysis using UML2.0 and Model Transformations.
C. André, F. Mallet, M.-A. Peraldi-Frati, RR INRIA-5913, 18 pages Mai 2006
[42] Apports récents de la programmation synchrone en surveillance C Andre, D Gaffe, and M-A Peraldi Technical Report RR 94-55, I3S, Paris, December 1994.
[43] Synchronous approach to industrial process control
C. André and M-A. Peraldi Technical Report RR 93-20, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France, February 1993.
[44] A comprehensive session of synchronous program implementation on Rtx2000
C. André and M-A. Peraldi Technical Report RR 93--46, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France, July 1993.
[45] Effective implementation of Esterel programs
C. André and M-A. Peraldi Technical Report RR 93--22, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 1993.
[46] Predictability of a sc Rtx2000-based implementation C. André and M-A. Peraldi
Technical Report RR 93--45, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France, July 1993
[47] Programmation synchrone d'applications temps-réel sur microcontrôleurs
C. André and M-A. Peraldi Technical Report RR 92--64, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 1992.


*       Thèse

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*       Rapports de recherche

Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia-Antipolis - UNSA - CNRS
2000, route des Lucioles - Les Algorithmes - bât. Euclide B - BP 121 - 06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - France
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