I am an associate professor (maître de conférences) at Université Côte d’Azur (UniCA), France, since Sept. 2015. I teach mainly Networking courses for Bachelor and Master degrees at the DS4H - Graduate school of Digital Systems for Humans, where I am also Deputy director of Master and International Relations. My research is developed in SigNet group at the I3S laboratory (a joint CNRS/UniCA lab), where I work in optimal design and management of communication networks.
I received a MEng in Telecom. and a Ph.D. from Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Spain, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. My Ph.D. thesis, titled ‘Optimization and Planning of WDM Transparent Optical Networks,’ was distinguished with TELEFÓNICA Award for Best Thesis in Networking. At 2025, I obtained my Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) degree from Université Côte d’Azur (UniCA).
After that, I completed two postdocs in Orange Labs (2012-2013) and IRISA CNRS lab, in former IMT-Telecom Bretagne, (2013-2015) about optical switching networks and adaptive streaming, respectively. From 2020 to 2022, I was hosted in delegation (accueilli en délégation) at Centre INRIA d’Université Côte d’Azur.
I have written or coauthored 40 intl. papers (12 of them in ISI journals like IEEE/ACM Trans Netw or Eur J Oper Res), participated in intl. research projects (like BONE or SASER-SAVENET), and visited intl. research labs (like the Networks Lab of Prof. Biswanath Mukherjee, University of California at Davis, USA).
PhD in Information and Communications Technologies, 2011
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
MEng in Telecommunications, 2006
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
This reserach aims to develop new operating frameworks where network monitoring and machine learning are integrated to automate the network control. The idea behind is to learn more efficient control agorithms from the exploitation of network telemetry data.
This research is focused on the development of optimization algorithms for adaptive video control plane. These algorithms aims to maximize the end users’ Quality of Experience (QoE) when adaptive video streaming HAS is used to deliver multimedia contents in different scenarios, namely the novel virtualised fixed-mobile convergent access networks.
A complete list of all past projects where I have been involved can be found here.
ARTificial Intelligence-based Cloud network control.
A complete list of all my publications can be found here.
My teaching duties mainly consist of networking curses in graduate and postgraduate degrees.