Associate Professor of Networking


I am an associate professor (“maître de conférences”) at Université Côte d’Azur (UniCA), France, since Sept. 2015. I teach mainly Networking courses for Bachelor and Master degrees at the DS4H - Graduate school of Digital Systems for Humans, where I am also the Head of International Relations. My research is developed in SigNet group at the I3S laboratory (a joint CNRS/UniCA lab), where I work in optimal design and management of communication networks.

I received a MEng in Telecom. and a Ph.D. from Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Spain, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. My Ph.D. thesis, titled ‘Optimization and Planning of WDM Transparent Optical Networks,’ was distinguished with TELEFÓNICA Award for Best Thesis in Networking.

After that, I completed two postdocs in Orange Labs (2012-2013) and IRISA CNRS lab, in former IMT-Telecom Bretagne, (2013-2015) about optical switching networks and adaptive streaming, respectively.

I have written or coauthored 40 intl. papers (12 of them in ISI journals like IEEE/ACM Trans Netw or Eur J Oper Res), participated in intl. research projects (like BONE or SASER-SAVENET), and visited intl. research labs (like the Networks Lab of Prof. Biswanath Mukherjee, University of California at Davis, USA).

Honors and Awards


  • Optimal network management
  • Artificial intelligence
  • SDN and NFV
  • Optical, multimedia and wireless networks


  • PhD in Information and Communications Technologies, 2011

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

  • MEng in Telecommunications, 2006

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena


Ongoing research activities

Network Control based on Machine Learning

This reserach aims to develop new operating frameworks where network monitoring and machine learning are integrated to automate the network control. The idea behind is to learn more efficient control agorithms from the exploitation of network telemetry data.

Networking Algorithms for Adaptive Video Delivery

This research is focused on the development of optimization algorithms for adaptive video control plane. These algorithms aims to maximize the end users’ Quality of Experience (QoE) when adaptive video streaming HAS is used to deliver multimedia contents in different scenarios, namely the novel virtualised fixed-mobile convergent access networks.


A complete list of all past projects where I have been involved can be found here.

ARTIC Project

ARTificial Intelligence-based Cloud network control.

Students and Postdocs


  1. Min Ju
    • Labex postdoc (March 2018 - July 2019)
    • Topic: Video delivery optimisation in optical-wireless convergent access networks
    • Co-advisors: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Lucile Sassatelli
    • PhD: Université d’Avignon et des pays de Vaucluse
  2. Carlos Colman Meixner
    • Labex postdoc (Oct. 2016 - Sep. 2017)
    • Topic: Cloud-based Virtualized Optical Networks for 5G Access Network (C-RAN): planning for energy savings and user-level video quality
    • Co-advisors: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Lucile Sassatelli
    • PhD: University of California at Davis

PhD students

  1. Anna Vandi
    • Funded by Graduate school of Digital Systems for Humans (DS4H) d’Université Côte d’Azur (Nov. 2024 - ongoing)
    • Topic: Optimal Management of Green Data Centers
    • Supervisor: Guillaume Urvoy-Keller, and Ramon Aparicio-Pardo (co-advisor)
  2. Yi LU
    • Funded by ANRT, Convention CIFRE (Dec. 2023 - ongoing)
    • Company: EasyBroadcast
    • Topic: Prise en compte des caractéristiques matérielles pour l’adaptation de la QoS dans un protocole de streaming vidéo Hybrid Client / Serveur - Viewer to Viewe
    • Supervisor: Guillaume Urvoy-Keller, Soufiane Rouibia (industrial supervisor) and Ramon Aparicio-Pardo (co-advisor)
  3. Tiago Da Silva Barros
    • Funded by Ecole Doctorale STIC d’Université Côte d’Azur (Oct. 2022 - ongoing)
    • Topic: Joint Training Design and Network Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning
    • Supervisor: Fréderic Giroire, and Ramon Aparicio-Pardo (co-advisor)
  4. Abderrhamane Redha Alliche
    • ANR-funded theses (Oct. 2020 - June 2024)
    • Topic: Artificial Intelligence-based Cloud Network Control
    • Supervisors: Lucile Sassatelli, and Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
    • ANR ARTIC project

Master interns

  1. Anna Vandi
    • Ubinet Master 2 (March 2024 - Aug. 2024)
    • Topic: Optimal Management of Data-Centers Micro-Grids for Minimizing Carbon Fingerprint
    • Co-advisors: Guillaume Urvoy-Keller, and Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
  2. Christian Siman-Chereches
  3. Tiago Da Silva Barros
    • Ubinet Master 2 (March 2022 - Aug. 2022)
    • Topic: Network simulation for reinforcement learning
    • Advisor: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
  4. Oleksandr Deineha
    • Ubinet Master 2 (March 2020 - July 2020)
    • Topic: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cloud Networks
    • Advisor: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
  5. Artem Panchenko
  6. Giacomo Calvigioni
    • Ubinet Master 2 (March 2017 - Aug. 2017)
    • Topic: Overlay routing in CDNs for Quality of Experience optimization
    • Co-advisors: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Lucile Sassatelli
  7. Giuseppe Samela
    • Ubinet Master 2 (March 2017 - Aug. 2017)
    • Topic: Virtual Reality: Impact of Content and Transmission Strategies on Network Resources
    • Co-advisors: Lucile Sassatelli, Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Diane Lingrand, Anne-Marie Pinna-Dery
    • UCA4SVR project
  8. Savino Dambra
    • Ubinet Master 2 (March 2017 - Aug. 2017)
    • Topic: Quality of experience in virtual reality: user experiments and modelling
    • Co-advisors: Lucile Sassatelli, Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Diane Lingrand, Anne-Marie Pinna-Dery
    • UCA4SVR project
  9. Antoine Cousson
    • Master Informatique, M1 (June 2022 – July 2022)
    • Topic : Quantum Entanglement Management
    • Advisors: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
  10. Jordan Laplace
    • Génie Informatique et Statistique, 4è année, Polytech Lille, Université de Lille (May 2019 – Aug. 2019)
    • Topic : Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving Network Routing
    • Advisors: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo
  11. Pedro Foletto Pimenta
    • Ingénieur spécialité Électronique, Télécommunications et Informatique (ETI) 4è année, CPE Lyon/UFRGS (Porto Alegre, Brésil) (25 June 2018 - 14 Sept. 2018 )
    • Topic : Graph Representation Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving Optimization Problems
    • Co-advisors: Ramon Aparicio-Pardo , Lucile Sassatelli, Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Frédéric Precioso

Software developed

  1. PRISMA: Network simulator for Artificial Intelligence based Packet Routing.
  2. TOUCAN-VR: Android application for Virtual Reality Streaming
    • Registered in the French Program Protection Agency (APP) as IDDN.FR.001.120005.000.S.C.2018.000.31235
  3. MatPlanWDM©®: MATLAB™ toolbox for Optical Network Planning
    • Registered in the Spanish Register of the Intellectual Property

Administration work

Teaching Administration:

Research Administration:

Local Organizing Committee Member:

  • 1st Workshop Future Internet: Efficiency in high-speed networks, Cartagena, July 2011
  • 12th IEEE Conference High Performance Switching and Routing, Cartagena, July 2011
  • 2nd and 3rd Conferences on Introduction to the Research, Cartagena, Spain 2009, 2010

Dissemination and popularization

  • Stand in Fête de la Science, RÉALITÉ VIRTUELLE : LE CHALLENGE DU STREAMING, Antibes Juan les Pins, 7-8 Oct. 2017
  • Seminars:
    • “A Green Video Control Plane with Fixed-Mobile Convergence and Cloud-RAN,” Green Days Days @ Sophia, Sophia Antipolis, June 2017
    • “Optimizing Live Video Stream Preparation in the Cloud,” UCN @ Sophia Labex Seminar, Sophia Antipolis, Oct. 2015
  • Member of the organizing committee of the seminars:
    • 2nd UPCT Seminarof Introduction to Research 2010, Cartagena, Spain
    • 1st UPCT Seminar of Introduction to Research 2009, Cartagena, Spain

Editorial work

Member of PhD Jurys

  • Seyed Morteza Ahmadian , “Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Quantum Communications,” Univ. Polit. Catalunya (UPC), Spain, Juin 2023
  • Alba Perez Vela, “Bringing Cognition to Multilayer Transport Networks,” Univ. Polit. Catalunya (UPC), Spain, Nov 2018
  • José Luis Izquierdo Zaragoza, “Planning and optimization and of multilayer optical networks,” Univ. Polit. Cartagena (UPCT), Spain, July 2017

Referee of PhD thesis

  • Sima Baerzegar , “Autonomous and Reliable Operation of Multilayer Optical Networks,” Univ. Polit. Catalunya (UPC), June 2022
  • Fatemehsadat TABATABAEIMEHR , “Distributed Collaborative Knowledge Management for Optical Networks,” Univ. Polit. Catalunya (UPC), June 2022

Member of Evaluation Comitees of Research Projects

  • Referee for the l’Appel à projets générique (AAPG), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France, 2022
  • Referee for the PROMPT Industrial-Academic Partnership Program, Fonds de Recherche du Quebec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT), Canada, 2018

Guest Editor of Journal Special Issues

Member of Technical Program Committees (TPCs)

  • IEEE PIMRC 2018/2020, IEEE ICC 2019/2020/2022, NOSSDAV 2020, ACM MMSys 2021/2022, ACM MM 2022/2023, IEEE Globecom 2021/2022/2023, CORES 2023

Referee in Intl Journals and Conferences

  • Journals:
    • Elsevier: Opt Laser Eng, Opt Switch Netw, Comput Netw, Comput Commun
    • Springer: Photonic Netw Commun, J Netw Syst Manag
    • IEEE: Internet Comput, Trans Syst Man Cybern
    • IEEE/OSA J Opt Commun Netw
    • IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking
    • ACM Trans Multimed Comput Commun Appl
    • MDPI: Sensors, Applied Sciences, Future Internet 
  • Conferences: IEEE Globecom 2010, IEEE ICC 2011/2015/2017, IEEE HPSR 2012, IEEE NETWORKS 2012, IEEE NOC 2014, IEEE INFOCOM 2017, IEEE ICNC-OGC 2018, IEEE ICC NGNI 2019, Workshop on Network Intelligence collocated with IFIP Networking 2022


My teaching duties mainly consist of networking curses in graduate and postgraduate degrees.

Present courses

Ubinet - 2nd Year Intl. Master in Computer Science (ENG)

  • Multimedia Networking, 2019-2020,2022-ongoing

Diplome d’Ingenieur Polytech, specialité Sciences Informatiques / Master Informatique / Master in Computer Science (FR, EN)

  • [Administration des réseaux] SI5/M2, FR, 2023-ongoing

Master Informatique / Master in Computer Science (FR, EN)

  • Computer Networks, M1, ENG, 2018-2020,2022-ongoing
  • Advanced Computer Networks, M1, EN, 2024-ongoing
  • Quantum programming and computing, M1, EN, 2024-ongoing

Portail Sciences et Technologies / Licence Informatique (FR)

  • Réseaux et Telecommunications, L3, from 2025

Licence MIAGE (FR)

  • Systèmes et réseaux, Sécurité L3, 2024-ongoing

Teaching management

Present responsabilities

  • Coordinator of the UBIquitous NETworking, Ubinet track, a 2nd year Master track in Computer Science, 2023-ongoing

Past responsabilities

  • Coordinator of the 3rd year of Licence Informatique, parcours MIAGE, L3 MIAGE, 2018 - 2020
  • Member of recruiting committee for first year students in Intl. Master degree in Computer Science, 2015-18

Past courses

Ubinet - 2nd Year Intl. Master in Computer Science (EN)

Intl. Master in Computer Science, Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis (EN)

Master Informatique / Master in Computer Science (FR, EN)

Portail Sciences et Technologies / Licence Informatique (FR)

  • Réseaux et Telecommunications, L2, 2019-2020,2022-24

Licence MIAGE (FR)

  • Systèmes et réseaux, S5, L3, 2015-2020,2022-24
  • Systèmes et réseaux, S6, L3, 2017-2020

BUT Informatique (FR)

  • Architecture des réseaux, S3, 2023-24

Licence Informatique, Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis (FR)

  • Réseaux, L3, 2015-2020
  • Simulation et modèles discrets, L2, 2015-2018
  • Informatique Générale, L1, 2015-2016

Diplôme d’Ingénieur, Université de Rennes 1 (FR)

  • Initiation au réseau, BAC+3, 2014-2015

Diplôme d’Ingénieur, Télécom Bretagne (FR)

  • Travaux pratiques réseaux, BAC+5, 2014-2015
  • Evaluation de performances, BAC+5, 2013-2015
  • Méthodes et concepts pour la sécurité dans les réseaux, BAC+4, 2013-2015
  • Evaluation de performances et fiabilité des réseaux, BAC+4, 2013-2015

Grados en Telecomunicación, Univ. Polit de Cartagena (ESP)

  • Planificación y gestión de redes, BAC+3, 2010-2011
  • Teoría de redes de telecomunicaciones, BAC+2, 2010-2011

Supervision of student projects

Final-year projects

Diplome d’Ingenieur Polytech, specialité Sciences Informatiques, UniCA (FR, EN)

  • 2023-2024, 1 individual project, 6 ECTS/projet
  • 2022-2023, 1 individual project, 1 project group (2 students), 6 ECTS/projet
  • 2019-2020, 1 individual project, 6 ECTS each project, 6 ECTS/projet
  • 2018-2019, 1 individual project, 6 ECTS each project, 6 ECTS/projet

Diplome d’Ingenieur Polytech, specialité Mathématiques Appliquées et Modélisation, UniCA (FR, EN)

  • 2019-2020, 1 project group (2 students), 6 ECTS/project
  • 2018-2019, 1 project group (3 students), 6 ECTS/project

2nd Year Intl. Master in Computer Science, track Ubinet, UniCA (EN)

  • 2023-2024, 3 individual projects, 6 ECTS/project
  • 2021-2022, 3 individual projects, 5.33 ECTS/project
  • 2019-2020, 1 project group (2 students), 5.33 ECTS/project
  • 2017-2018, 1 individual project, 4 ECTS/project
  • 2016-2017, 3 individual projects, 4 ECTS/project


1st Year Intl. Master in Computer Science, UniCA (ENG)

  • 2017-2018, 1 project group (2 students), 6 ECTS projects
  • 2015-2016, 2 project groups (2 and 3 students, respectiv.), 6 ECTS /project

Work-study student follow-up (Suivi des Alternants)

Licence 3 MIASHS, parcours MIAGE

  • 2023-2024, 3 students, 4 ECTS
  • 2022-2023, 1 student, 4 ECTS

Master 1 MIAGE

  • 2024-2025, 2 students, 6 ECTS
  • 2022-2023, 2 students, 6 ECTS

Diplôme d’Ingénieur Polytech, 5è année

  • 2022-2023, 1 student, 6 ECTS

Master Informatique 1, parcours Informatique et interaction

  • 2019-2020, 1 student, 6 ECTS
