Call for papers
General information
Papers presenting original and unpublished research on all fundamental aspects of cellular automata and related discrete complex systems are sought. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): dynamics, topological, ergodic and algebraic aspects, algorithmic and complexity issues, emergent properties, formal language processing, symbolic dynamics, models of parallelism and distributed systems, phenomenological descriptions, scientific modeling and practical applications. Papers authored or co-authored by PC members are welcome and will follow a specific evaluation process.
Papers categories
There are two paper categories - full and exploratory contributions. Full papers are meant to report more complete and denser research, while the later submission deadline of exploratory papers allows quick reporting of most recent discoveries, work-in-progress and/or partial results. Papers in the full paper category are refereed and selected by the program committee. Papers in the exploratory category go through a less rigorous evaluation for suitability. Full papers receive a longer time slot for presentation in the workshop.
Submission guidelines
Papers should not exceed 20 pages (full paper category) or 10 pages (exploratory paper category), and they should be formatted in LaTeX using a style which will be precised later. Papers should be submitted using the EasyChair conference system (as a pdf-file). The submission may contain an appendix that exceeds the page limit (and will not be included in the conference proceedings) if the author wants to provide the PC with more details than allowed by the strict paper limit. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference.
The workshop will host the annual meeting of the IFIP Working group 1.5 on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems. It will be a joined event with the Symposium on Cellular Automata (JAC).
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