I teach networking technologies, AI and machine learning at bachelor and master levels. My teaching duty have amounted to 200 to 250h a year from 2009 to 2019 (except in 2016). As of 2019, it amounts to 64h a year (IUF fellowship).
As of Sep. 2020, all the teaching materials are on Moodle.
As part of EFELIA Côte d'Azur, for which I act as a scientific director, I have created numerous courses (12h to 24h), training sessions (3h to 12h), awareness-raising (1h) on AI and its challenges for different audiences (high school teaching staff, public or private establishments, all L1 courses at the university, and contribution to master's minors).
A selection is shared below:
- Sensibilisation pour les élu·es du Conseil de la Région Sud, Intelligence Artificielle sous le capot : limites, défis, politique, Oct. 2024.
- Lecture, AI under the hood: current limits and challenges, Summer school on Knowledge dynamics, Industry Evloution, Economic Development (KID), July 2024.
- Lecture, UniCA staff, Apprentissage de représentations - Principes, modèles fondation, biais, enjeux, (2/5, in French), Oct. 2023.