Gender Equality in Tech-related fields
I try to contribute to fight gender inequalities and discrimination, in particular those in my domains. Gender is hence an aspect of my research activities (with the ANR TRACTIVE project and the ReVEGO project), and I also lead or participate in various actions in academia:
- Organisation de la Journée Biais de Genre en Sciences et Technologie, Sophia Antipolis, Mars 2024
- Séances de travail sur les inégalités d'orientation (informatique, IA) avec au rectorat de Nice, Nov. 2024.
- Representative for Parity-Equality at CNRS INS2I for the I3S laboratory, 2020-2024.
- Leader of the Working Group on Gender Equality at I3S, webmaster of the website, 2020-2024
- Presentation for the first seminar of the I3S WG on Equality, Feb. 2021.
- Contributed synthesis of the workshop of the CS institute of CNRS, on the topic "Comment faire entrer les questions d'égalité dans les laboratoires": synthesis, source, refs, complete pdf
- Project: Réalité Virtuelle pour l'Egalité de Genre dans l'Orientation (ReVEGO)
- Funded by Univ. Côte d'Azur (Cellule de la Culture Scientifique et Technique and the Extended Reality Research and Creation Center XR2C2) and IUF
- Institutional partners: Rectorat de Nice, Lycée International de Valbonne, Université Côte d'Azur
- Our first session with high-school students on March 31st, 2021!
- Our book chapter: H.-Y. Wu, J. Delachambre, M. Winckler, L. Sassatelli. Through the Eyes of Women in Engineering: An Immersive VR Experience. In "Texts of Discomfort", M. C. Reyes and J. Pope (Eds), Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press (Digital and Interaction Design), doi: 10.1184/R1/17071172, ISBN 978-1-7948-8071-9, Nov. 2021. trailer, description, Web app.
- European University UlyssEUs: involvement in the Gender Equality task in the EDI workpackage, 2021-2027.
- Seminar, The gender dimension in immersive multimedia research, LS2N lab, Nantes, Dec. 2021.
- Presentation to the IUT students, Luttes contre les discriminations en RT, Luttes contre les discriminations en RT.
- My article (in French) written for Société Française d'Informatique (SIF): Leviers pour lutter contre les inégalités d'orientation dans l'informatique
- Girl's Day Boy's Day in Alpes Maritimes
presentation of the event, link to my 2017 presentation, link to my 2018 presentation