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M. Aiguier, J. Benzakki, G. Bernot, S. Beroff, D. Dupont, L. Freund, M. Israël, F. Rousseau, ECOS: A Generic Codesign Environment for the Prototyping of Real Time Applications, From Formal Specifications to Hardware-Software Partitioning . Current Issues in Electronic Modeling (CIEM), Issue 8: Hardware/Software Co-Design & Co-Verification, J.M. Bergé, O. Levia, J. Rouillard eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p.23-57, ISBN 0-7923-9689-8 , 1996.
G. Bernot,
M. Bidoit,
T. Knapik,
Observational specifications and the indistinguishability assumption
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Vol.139, p.275-314, Elsevier Science
Pub. B.V. (North-Holland)
LIENS Report 92-3, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France,
35 pages, January
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
P. Le Gall,
M. Aiguier,
Label algebras and exception handling
J. of Science of Computer Programming (SCP), Elsevier pub., Vol.23, num.2-3
Shorter version in Chapter 6 of the "Diplôme d'habilitation à diriger des
recherches en sciences" of Gilles Bernot, Université de Paris XI, Orsay,
France, février
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
M. Bidoit,
T. Knapik,
Observational approaches in algebraic specifications: A comparative study
Acta Informatica, Vol.31, num.7, p.651-671
LIENS Report 91-6, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, April
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
M.C. Gaudel,
B. Marre,
Software testing based on formal specifications: A theory and a tool
Software Engineering Journal (SEJ), Vol.6, num.6, p.387-405
LRI Report 581, Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France, June
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot, Correctness proofs for abstract implementations . Information and Computation, Vol.80, num.2, p.121-151, Feb , 1989. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
M. Bidoit,
C. Choppy,
Abstract data types with exception handling : an initial approach based on a
distinction between exceptions and errors
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Vol.46, num.1, p.13-45, Elsevier Science
Pub. B.V. (North-Holland)
LRI Report 251, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France,
48 pages, December
M.-C. Gaudel, B. Marre, F. Schlienger, G. Bernot, Les modèles de développement du logiciel . Revue d'Électronique et d'Électrotechnique, Vol.6, p.34-40, juin , 1998.
M.C. Gaudel, G. Bernot, Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification: The role of Formal Specifications . Book Chapter I, IFIP State-of-the-Art Report on Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification, E.Astesiano, H-J.Kreowski and B.Krieg-Bruckner Eds, p.1-12, Springer ISBN 3-540-63772-9, August , 1999. [preliminary version]
M. Aiguier, J. Benzakki, G. Bernot, S. Béroff, D. Dupont, L. Freund, M. Israël, F. Rousseau, ECOS : Environnement générique de cospécification . CODESIGN conception conjointe logiciel-matèriel, CTI COMETE, Eyrolles, p.45-85, ISBN : 2-2120-5219-7 , 1998.
M-C. Gaudel, B. Marre, F. Schlienger, G. Bernot, Précis de génie logiciel . Masson éditeur, Paris, collection Enseignement de l'Informatique, préface de Michel Lemoine, ISBN 2-225-85189-1, 142 pages , 1996.
M. Aiguier, G. Bernot, Algebraic semantics of object type specifications . Book chapter in Information Systems Correctness and Reusability, Selected papers from the IS-CORE workshop, Amsterdam, Netherland, Sept. 1994, World Scientific Publishing, R.J.Wieringa & R.B.Feenstra eds, p.16-32 , 1995. [preliminary version]
S. Coudert, G. Bernot, P. Le Gall, Hierarchical Heterogeneous Specifications . Selected papers of the Intl Workshop on Abstract Data Types (WADT'98), Lisbon, Portugal. Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, J-L. Fiadeiro ed., Springer-Verlag LNCS 1589, p.107-121 , 1999. [preliminary version]
F. Mercier, A. Bertolino, P. Le Gall, G. Bernot, A systematic approach for integration testing of complex systems . Proc. Proc. 11th Intl Conf. on Software Engineering and Its Applications, Vol.1, Session 6, Paris, France, December 8-10, , 1998. [link]
G. Bernot, L. Bouaziz, P. Le Gall, A Theory of Probabilistic Functional Testing . Proc. of the Intl Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE 97), p.216-226 , Boston, USA , 1997. [preliminary version]
M. Aiguier, G. Bernot, ETOILE-specifications: an Object Oriented Way of Specifying Systems . Proc. of the Workshop on Proof Theory of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming, Linz, Austria, p.50-57, J-P. Bahsoun, J. Fiadeiro, D. Galmiche, A. Yonezawa eds., 10th European Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 96) , 1996. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
S. Coudert,
P. Le Gall,
Towards heterogeneous formal specifications
Proc. of the 5th Intl Conf on Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology
(AMAST 96), Munich, Germany, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1101, p.458-472
LIVE/LaMI Report 16-1995, Université d'Évry - Val d'Essonne, Évry, France,
[preliminary version]
M. Aiguier, S. Beroff, L. Freund, G. Bernot, M. Israël, Using Axiomatic Specifications for Hardware System Design . Proc. of the 3rd Intl Conf on Concurrent Engineering & Electronic Design Automation (CEEDA'96), 18-19 January 1996, Poole, UK, in Managing Technology & Processes into the Next Millennium, S. Medhat & M. Bell eds, EPIC E.M. Publ, p.276-283 , 1996. [preliminary version]
M. Aiguier, J. Benzakki, G. Bernot, M. Israël, ECOS: from formal specification to hardware/software partitioning . Proc. of the VHDL Forum'94, Grenoble, France , 1994. [abstract]
G. Bernot,
P. Le Gall,
Exception handling and term labelling
Proc. of International Conference on Theory and Practice of Software
Development (TAPSOFT), Orsay, France, Springer-Verlag LNCS 668, p.421-436
LRI Report 712, Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France, December
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
P. Le Gall,
Label algebras: a systematic use of terms
Selected papers of the 8th International Workshop on Abstract Data Types
(WADT) joint with the 3rd COMPASS Workshop, Dourdan, 1991, France,
Recent Trends in Data Type Specification, Springer-Verlag LNCS 655,
LRI Report 719, Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France, December
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
M. Bidoit,
T. Knapik,
Towards an Adequate Notion of Observation
Proc. of the 4th European Syposium on Programming (ESOP'92)
Springer-Verlag LNCS 582, B. Krieg-Bruckner Ed., p.39-55, Rennes, France,
LIENS Report 92-2, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, January
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot, Testing against formal specifications: a theoretical view . Proc. of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT'91 CCPSD), Brighton U.K., April 1991, Springer-Verlag LNCS 494, p.99-119 , 1991. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
Good functors ... are those preserving philosophy !
Proc. of the Conference on Category Theory and Computer Science, Edimburgh,
September 1987, Springer-Verlag LNCS 283, p.182-195
Conférence invitée, Actes des journées ELIT 1988 - Esquisses,
Logique et Informatique Théorique, juin - juillet 1988, organisateurs
L.Coppey, C.Lair, M.Mathieu, volumes num.22 de DIAGRAMMES, Décembre
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
M. Bidoit,
C. Choppy,
Algebraic semantics of exception handling
Proc. of the European Symposium On Programming (ESOP'86), March 1986,
Springer-Verlag LNCS 213, p.173-186
LRI Report 257, Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France, 23 pages, January
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
M. Bidoit,
C. Choppy,
Abstract implementations and correctness proofs
Proc. of the 3rd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
(STACS), January 1986, Orsay, France, Springer-Verlag LNCS 210, B. Monien and
G. Vidal-Naquet Ed., p.236-251
LRI Report 250, Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France,
19 pages, December
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot, F. Klay, F. Ouabdesselam, The Feature Interaction Detection Method of VALISERV . Invited talk, Joint ASPIRE / FIREworks Meeting, Evry, France, April 8-10 , 1999. [slides]
A. Arnoud, P. Le Gall, G. Bernot, Some aspects of Test Data Selection from Formal Specifications . Invited talk, 1st Intl Software Quality Week Europe (QWE'97), Brussels, Belgium, 4-7 November , 1997. [preliminary version]
M. Aiguier, G. Bernot, Formal specifications for system design, and a proposal for object oriented extensions to VHDL . Invited paper in Proc. of the First Workshop on Systems Design Languages, April 1997, San Jose, California , 1997.
S. Coudert,
P. Le Gall,
G. Bernot,
An example of heterogeneous structured specification : a travel agency
Invited talk, 12th Intl Workshop on Abstract Data Types (WADT'97),
Tarquinia, Italy, June 1997
Invited talk, ASPIRE Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, September 19-20
LaMI Report 28-1997, Université d'Évry, France
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot, ETOILE-Specifications and Real-Time issues . Proc. of Dagstuhl seminar num.9715 on Object-Oriented Software Development, H.-D. Ehrich, Y. Feng, D. Kung eds, SchlossDagstuhl Report num.174, p.12-13, April , 1997. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot, Formal specifications in general, and some current research topics in algebraic specifications . Invited paper in Proc. of the 6th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering Methods and Languages, KEML'96, Paris, France, January 1996, p.1-10 , 1996. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot, M. Aiguier, Object oriented algebraic specifications and the specification of systems . Invited Intl Conf on Formal Specification: Foundations, Methods, Tools and Applications (FMTA'95), May 1995, Varsaw, Poland , 1995. [abstract]
G. Bernot, M. Aiguier, Algebraic specification of object types and systems . Invited talk at the Joint Workshop on Abstract Data Types (WADT) and the COMPASS workshop, Sintra, Portugal, February , 1995.
M. Aiguier,
G. Bernot,
J. Ramos,
A. Sernadas,
An Algebraic Semantics for GNOME via a Translation to ÉTOILE
Invited conference in Proc of the IS-CORE final Workshop, Évry, France,
7-9 September
Joint COMPASS workshop and WADT, Oslo, Norway, 19-23 September
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot,
Formal specifications and algebraic specifications
Invited paper in Proc. of the 7th International Software Quality Week,
Software Research Institute Ed., San Francisco, California, USA, 17-20 Mai
LaMI Report 06-1994, Université d'Évry - Val d'Essonne, Évry, France,
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot, Object oriented algebraic specifications and modularity issues . Invited talk at the IS-CORE Workshop on Modularization, Orsay, April , 1994.
G. Bernot,
E. David,
On the usefulness of carriers, semi-initiality and semi-adjuncts for
institution independent issues
Invited paper in the 5th WADT/COMPASS Workshop, Santa Margherita, Italy,
LIVE/LaMI Report 07-1994, Université d'Évry - Val d'Essonne, Évry, France
[preliminary version]
G. Bernot, M-C. Gaudel, P. Le Gall, B. Marre, Experience with Black-Box Testing from Formal Specification . Invited paper, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Achieving Quality in Software (AQuIS'93), Venice, Italy, p.75-94, October , 1993.
G. Bernot, A theory of test selection from formal specifications . Invited paper in Proc. of the ERCIM Workshop on Software Quality Principles and Techniques, May 1992, Pisa, Italy, p.153-172 , 1992. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot, M-C. Gaudel, B. Marre, A formal approach to software testing . Invited paper in Proc. of the 2nd Intl Conf of Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST-2), May 1991, Iowa City, USA. Workshops in Computing, Springer-Verlag , 1992. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot, M. Bidoit, Proving the correctness of algebraically specified software: Modularity and Observability issues . Invited paper in Proc. of the 2nd Intl Conf of Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST-2), May 1991, Iowa City, USA. Workshops in Computing, p.216-242, Springer-Verlag , 1992. [preliminary version] [extended version]
G. Bernot, H. Jouve, F. Klay, F. Ouabdesselam, J-L. Richier, Aide à l'intégration de services par la génération de tests . Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL), p.9-20, Grenoble, 26-28 janvier , 2000. [preliminary version]
M Aiguier, J. Benzakki, G. Bernot, S. Beroff, D. Dupont, L. Freund, M. Israël, F. Rousseau, ECOS: un Environnement générique de CO-Spécification pour le prototypage d'applications temps réel, de la spécification formelle au partitionnement . Actes des Séminaires Action Scientifique, Revue Codesign, France Telecom, No.10, p.65-74, Novembre , 1996. [preliminary version]
L. Bouaziz, G. Bernot, P. Le Gall, Probalistic Formula Testing . Article invité aux Journées du GDR Programmation, Orléans, 20-22 novembre , 1996. [preliminary version]
M. Aiguier, G. Bernot, ETOILE-specifications: un formalisme algébrique de spécifications orientées objets . Conférence invitée, Compte-rendu de la journée thématique Technologie Objet et Sureté de Fonctionnement, Groupe AFCET Technologie Objet, Saclay, 25 avril 1996, F. Terrier ed., Rapport DEIN/SLA/96-049, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay, INSTN-CEA , 1996.
G. Bernot, Spécifications formelles et test fonctionnel . Conférence invitée aux journées AFCET "méthodes formelles", octobre 1993, LAAS, Toulouse , 1993.
P. Le Gall, G. Bernot, Algèbres étiquetées et traitement d'exception . Journées GROPLAN et GRD Programmation et Outils de l'Intelligence Articielle, Nancy, mars , 1992.
M. Aiguier, J. Benzakki, G. Bernot, S. Beroff, J.M. Delosme, D. Dupont, L. Freund, M. Israël, ECOS . Rapport de fin de contrat, LaMI, Université d'Évry - Val d'Essonne, janvier , 1998.
M. Aiguier, J. Benzakki, G. Bernot, S. Beroff, L. Freund, M. Israël, ECOS . Rapport de contrat à mi-parcours, LaMI, Université d'Évry - Val d'Essonne , 1996.
IS-CORE, Working Papers of the International Workshop on Information Systems - Correctness and Reusability. IS-CORE'95 . Proc. of the IS-CORE'95 Workshop, Évry, France, G.Bernot and M.Aiguier editors, LIVE/LaMI Report 11-1995, Université d'Évry - Val d'Essonne, September , 1995.
G. Bernot, M.C. Gaudel, B. Marre, Le test statique de logiciel . Rapport de fin de contrat Aérospatiale pour le CNES, avril 1994, centre commun de recherches Louis-Bleriot , 1994. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot, M.C. Gaudel, B. Marre, Etat de l'art et apport relatif des différentes techniques de test du logiciel . Rapport de fin de contrat Aérospatiale DCR/Q 120488-91 pour le CNES, centre commun de recherches Louis-Bleriot, 55p , 1991. [preliminary version]
CGE / LRI / UoP METEOR teams, A Proposed List of Components for a Specification Development Environment . ESPRIT project 432, METEOR/t11/CGE-LRI-UoP/SDE Report , 1987.
G. Bernot, P. Pauthe, IDEAS (Integrated Development Environment for Algebraic Specifications): a scenario . ESPRIT project 432, METEOR/t11/BP/IDEAS Final Report , 1987.
P. Amar, G. Bernot, L'environnement générique pour spécifications formelles hétérogènes MSPEC . Unpublished draft , 1999. [preliminary version]
S. Coudert, G. Bernot, P. Le Gall, General Structured Specifications . Unpublished draft , 1996. [preliminary version]
A. Deo, P. Le Gall, G. Bernot, Semantics for algebraic specifications with iterators using polymorphic label algebras . Unpublished draft , 1994.
A. Deo, P. Le Gall, G. Bernot, Introducing unbounded arities: sequence algebras . LRI Report 938, Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France , 1994.
M. Aiguier, G. Bernot, P. Le Gall, An algebraic way to unequally treat equal values . LIVE/LaMI Report 02-1993, Université d'Évry - Val d'Essonne, Évry, France , 1993. [preliminary version]
G. Bernot, B. Marre, Formal and Practical Aspects of Test Selection based on Algebraic Specifications . LRI Report 560, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France , 1990.
G. Bernot, A formalism for test with oracle based on algebraic specifications . LIENS Report 89-4, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France , 1989.
G. Bernot, M. Bidoit, C. Choppy, Initial models of algebraic specifications with exception handling . LRI Report 201, Orsay, France, 24 pages , 1984.
G. Bernot, Diplôme d'habilitation à diriger des recherches en sciences . février 1992, LIENS (ENS Ulm) et Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 283 pages. Jury : G. Cousineau (président), E. Astesiano, M. Bidoit, M-C. Gaudel, J-P. Jouannaud, P. Lescanne, D. Sannella, G. Scollo , 1992. [full text]
G. Bernot, Une sémantique algébrique pour une spécification différenciée des exceptions et des erreurs : application à l'implémentation et aux primitives de structuration des spécifications formelles . Thèse de troisième cycle en informatique, février 1986, LRI, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 282 pages. Jury : J-P. Jouannaud (président), M-C. Gaudel & M. Bidoit & C. Choppy (directeurs), I. Guessarian, G. Vidal-Naquet , 1986. [full text]
G. Bernot, Implémentations de types abstraits algébriques en présence d'exceptions . Rapport de DEA d'informatique, septembre 1984, LRI, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 128 pages , 1984.
G. Bernot, Un théorème de connexité pour les variétés projectives . Rapport de DEA de mathématiques pures, juin 1982, Laboratoire de mathématiques pures, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 42 pages , 1982.