Publications & communications (sorted by year)


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1arrow R. Michelucci, D. Pallez, J.-P. Comet. Parametrisation of hybrid Gene Regulatory Networks using Artificial Evolution and Reinforcement Learning, 26ème congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision ROADEF. 26-28 février 2025, 2025. [Natl Conf without Acts]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow L. Gibart, H. Collavizza, J.-P. Comet. A Phenotypic Matrix for Greening Qualitative Regulatory Networks with Environments. BMC bioinformatics [accepted]. :, 2024. [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow F. Camilleri, J. Wenda, C. Pecoraro-Mercier, J.-P. Comet, D. Rouquié. Cell Painting and chemical structure read-across can complement each other for rat acute oral toxicity prediction in chemical early de-risking. Chemical Research in Toxicology. :, 2024. DOI 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.4c00169 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow J.-P. Comet, H. Collavizza, L. Gibart. Constrained Kripke Structure for Identifying Parameters of Biological Models. Theoretical Computer Science [Available online 19 March 2024]. 996:114505, 2024. DOI 10.1016/j.tcs.2024.114505 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow F. Camilleri, J. Wenda, C. Pecoraro-Mercier, J.-P. Comet, D. Rouquié. Cell Painting morphological profiles can complement QSAR models for rat acute oral toxicity prediction. BioRXiv. 2024. ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow R. Michelucci, J.-P. Comet, D. Pallez. Comparing diverse planning strategies with continuous Monte Carlo Tree Search applied to hybrid Gene Regulatory Networks, ICTAI 2024 : The 36th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence. Herndon, VA, USA. 27-30 Oct. 2024, 2024. DOI 10.1109/ICTAI62512.2024.00018 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow G. Grataloup, D. Pallez, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Single-objective constrained optimization for Gene Regulatory Networks Modeling, EA 2024 : Artificial Evolution. Bordeaux, France. 29-31 Oct. 2024, LNCS, 2024. [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
7arrow R. Michelucci, D. Pallez, T. Cazenave, J.-P. Comet. Improving continuous Monte Carlo Tree Search for identifying parameters in hybrid Gene Regulatory Networks, 18th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature PPSN. Hagenberg, Austria. Sept. 14-18, 2024. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-70085-9_20 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
8arrow R. Michelucci, V. Callegari, J.-P. Comet, D. Pallez. Cellular Genetic Algorithms for identifying variables in hybrid Gene Regulatory Networks, 27th European Conference, EvoApplications 2024, Held as Part of EvoStar . Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom. 3-5 Apr.. vol. 14634 pp. 131-145, 2024. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-56852-7_9 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
9arrow G. Grataloup, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Improving Snoussi constraints in the Thomas framework for Gene Networks, JOBIM. 25-28 juin 2024, 2024. [Natl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
10arrow F. Camilleri, J. Wenda, A. Farhi, A. Bassignani, B. Kiehr, S. P. Tripathi, C. Buton, C. Pecoraro-Mercier, J.-P. Comet, E. Webb, D. Rouquie. Comparative Analysis of Acceptable Daily Intakes and Administered Equivalent Doses Derived from Cell Painting Points of Departure and Reverse Dosimetry, Abstracts of the 13th ASCCT Annual Meeting, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (USA). Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (USA). 28-30 October 2024. [Poster]bib
11arrow F. Camilleri, J. Wenda, A. Farhi, C. Buton, C. Pecoraro-Mercier, J.-P. Comet, D. Rouquié. Comparison of Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) and in vivo doses extrapolated from in vitro point of departure obtained with cell painting on U2OS}, Abstracts of the 58th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2024), Copenhagen (Denmark). Copenhagen, Denmark. 8-11 September 2024. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow H. Collavizza, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Formal Verification Methods for Modeling in Biology: Biological Regulation Networks. In Symbolic Approaches to Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems (eds. C. Lhoussaine, E. Remy). pp. 255--312, ISBN: 978-1-78945-029-3, ISTE, 2023. DOI 10.1002/9781394229086.ch8 [Chapter]bib
2arrow H. Sun, J.-P. Comet, M. Folschette, M. Magnin. Condition for sustained oscillations in repressilator based on a hybrid modeling of gene regulatory networks, Bioinformatics 2023. Lisbon, Portugal. 16-18 Feb. 2023. vol. 12881 pp. 29-40, 2023. . DOI 10.5220/0011614300003414 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow F. Camilleri, J. Wenda, A. Bassignani, J. Fabjan, C. Pecoraro-Mercier, J.-P. Comet, D. Rouquié. Oral acute toxicity prediction using Cell Painting morphological profiles, Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2023). Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sept. 10th- Sept. 13th, 2023. abstract published in Toxicology Letters, Volume 384, Supplement 1, September 2023, Page S117. DOI 10.1016/S0378-4274(23)00535-0 [Intl Conf without Acts]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow H. Collavizza, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Méthodes de vérification formelle pour la modélisation en biologie : le cas des réseaux de régulation biologique. In Approches symboliques de la modélisation et de l’analyse des systèmes biologiques (eds. C. Lhoussaine, E. Remy). pp. 275--335, ISBN: 9781789480290, ISTE, 2022. DOI 10.51926/ISTE.9029.ch8 [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow R. Michelucci, J.-P. Comet, D. Pallez. Evolutionary continuous optimization of Hybrid Gene Regulatory Networks, EA 2022 : Artificial Evolution. Exeter, England. 31 Oct. 2022 - 2 Nov. 2022, LNCS, 2022. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-42616-2_12 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow F. Camilleri, C. Ginet, V. Lejal, A. Bassignani, J.-P. Comet, D. Rouquié. Exploring cell morphological profile information for the de-risking of small molecules, JOBIM Poster session. Rennes, France. 5-8 july 2022. [Poster]bib
4arrow L. Gibart, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, S. Vasseur. An abstract model of the metabolism regulation of pancratic ductal adenocarcinoma, JOBIM Poster session. Rennes, France. 5-8 july 2022. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow L. Gibart, R. Khoodeeram, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, J.-Y. Trosset. Regulation of Eukaryote Metabolism: An Abstract Model Explaining the Warburg/Crabtree Effect. Processes. 9:1496, 2021. DOI 10.3390/pr9091496 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow L. Gibart, H. Collavizza, J.-P. Comet. Greening R. Thomas’ Framework with Environment Variables: a Divide and Conquer Approach, CMSB 2021 : 19th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB). Bordeaux, France. 22-24 September, LNBI. vol. 12881 pp. 36-56, 2021. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-85633-5_3 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow L. Gibart, G. Bernot, H. Collavizza, J.-P. Comet. TotemBioNet Enrichment Methodology: Application to the Qualitative Regulatory Network of the Cell Metabolism, BIOINFORMATICS 2021 : 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms. online. 11-13 February, 2021. vol. 3 pp. 85-92, 2021. URL [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Towards a qualitative understanding of Cancer metabolism, Multidisciplinary Approaches in Cancer Research. Sophia Antipolis, France. 25-26 octobre, 2021. [Natl Invited Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow L. Gibart, H. Collavizza, J.-P. Comet. Greening R. Thomas’ Framework: a Divide and Conquer, JOBIM Poster session. online, France. 6-9 july 2021. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow D. Boyenval, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, F. Delaunay. Logical and incremental formalization of cell cycle checkpoints, JOBIM Poster session. online, France. 6-9 july 2021. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow D. Boyenval, G. Bernot, H. Collavizza, J.-P. Comet. What is a cell cycle checkpoint? The TotemBioNet answer, the 18th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB). online. September 23-25, 2020, LNCS. vol. 12314 pp. 362-372, 2020. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-60327-4_21 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J.-P. Comet. Automata, Logics and Biology, MOMI'2020. Sophia-Antipolis (France). 10 march, 2020. [Natl Invited Conf]bib


1arrow I. Grenet, J.-P. Comet, F. Schorsch, N. Ryan, J. Wichard, D. Rouquié. Chemical in vitro bioactivity profiles are not informative about the long-term in vivo endocrine mediated toxicity. Computational Toxicology. 12:100098, 2019. DOI 10.1016/j.comtox.2019.100098 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow I. Grenet, K. Merlo, J.-P. Comet, R. Tertiaux, D. Rouquié, F. Dayan. Stacked Generalization with Applicability Domain Outperforms simple QSAR on in vitro Toxicological Data. JCIM. 59(4):1486--1496, 2019. DOI 10.1021/acs.jcim.8b00553 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, Z. Khalis, A. Richard, O.F. Roux. A Genetically Modified Hoare Logic. Theoretical Computer Science. 765:145-157, 2019. DOI 10.1016/j.tcs.2018.02.003 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow D. Boyenval, G. Bernot, H. Collavizza, J.-P. Comet. Introduction of Priority Regulation in Biological Regulatory Networks, Modelife annual Days. Cannes Mandelieu, France. 5-6 november 2019. [Poster]bib
5arrow L. Gibart, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, F. Marchai-Guillaumond, S. Vasseur. Pancreas cancer modelling: a metabolic approach, 4ème École thématique de Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique (France). Porquerolles, France. 23-28 juin 2019. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow D. Boyenval, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, F. Delaunay. A discrete cell cycle model: from phases characterization toward observable properties verification, 4ème École thématique de Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique (France). Porquerolles, France. 23-28 juin 2019. [Poster]bib
7arrow U.D. Appadu, R. Khoodeeram, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, J.-Y. Trosset, V.S. Neergheen-Bhujun. Formal modelling of the impact of Pleurotus mushroom on energy metabolism in liver cancer, 4ème École thématique de Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique (France). Porquerolles, France. 23-28 juin 2019. [Poster]bib
8arrow J.-P. Comet. some research activities around the modeling of complex biological networks. annual Sparks Day, Sophia-Antipolis (France), 24 septembre 2019. [Seminar]


1arrow I. Grenet, Y. Yin, J.-P. Comet. G-networks to predict the outcome of sensing of toxicity. Sensors. 18:3483, 2018. DOI 10.3390/s18103483 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J. Behaegel, J.-P. Comet, M. Pelleau. Identification of Dynamic Parameters for Gene Networks, the 30th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). Volos, Greece. November 5-7, 2018 pp. 122-129, 2018. DOI 10.1109/ICTAI.2018.00028 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow I. Grenet, Y. Yin, J.-P. Comet, E. Gelenbe. Machine Learning to Predict Toxicity of Compounds, The 27th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN). Rhodes, Greece. 5-7 October 2018, LNCS. vol. 11139 pp. 335-345, 2018. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-01418-6_33 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J. Behaegel, J.-P. Comet, M. Pelleau. Identification de paramètres dynamiques de réseaux de gènes, Quatorzièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes. 12-15 juin 2018, 2018. [Natl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow I. Grenet, J.-P. Comet. How in vitro data can contribute to in vivo toxicity prediction using Machine Learning?, JOBIM, Marseille (France). Marseille (France). 3-6 juillet 2018. [Poster]bib
6arrow I. Grenet, J.-P. Comet, F. Porée, D. Rouquié. Toward In Vivo Toxicity Prediction from Molecular Structures: A Two-Stage Machine Learning Approach, 57th Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology (SoT). San Antonio (Texas), USA. 10-15 march 2018. [Poster]bib


1arrow J. Behaegel, J.-P. Comet, M. Folschette. Constraint Identification Using Modified Hoare Logic on Hybrid Models of Gene Networks, International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME). Mons, Belgium. 16-18 October 2017 pp. 5:1--5:21, 2017. DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.TIME.2017.5 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow B. Miraglio, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, C. Risso-de Faverney. Detecting Toxicity Pathways with a Formal Framework based on Equilibrium Changes, Computational Methods for Systems Biology (CMSB). Darmstadt, Germany. 27-29 September 2017, LNBI. vol. 10545 pp. 196-213, 2017. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-67471-1_12 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow B. Miraglio, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, C. Risso-de Faverney. A Qualitative Framework Dedicated to Toxicology, International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms. Porto, Portugal. 21-23 february 2017, 2017. DOI 10.5220/0006168200930103 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, E. Cornillon. Reductions symboliques de modèles de réseaux génétiques. Séminaire "Réseaux d’interactions: fondements et applications à la biologie", CIRM, Marseille (France), 3 janvier 2017. [Seminar]


1arrow J. Behaegel, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, E. Cornillon, F. Delaunay. A hybrid model of cell cycle in mammals. J. of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 14(1):1640001 [17 pp.], 2016. [Cf. Conferences Behaegel et al. 2015]. DOI 10.1142/S0219720016400011 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow E. Cornillon, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, G. Enée. Hybrid Gene Networks: a new Framework and a Software Environment. In Proc. of the Thematic Research School on Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris). pp. 57-84, ISBN: 978-2-7598-1971-3, EDP Science, 2016. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow B. Miraglio, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, C. Risso-de Faverney. Towards a Computer Aided Toxicology. In Proc. of the Thematic Research School on Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris). pp. 85-101, ISBN: 978-2-7598-1971-3, EDP Science, 2016. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J. Behaegel, J.-P. Comet, M. Folschette, F. Delaunay. Prise en compte d'informations temporelles dans la modélisation d'oscillateurs circadiens, 45ème congrès de la Société Francophone de Chronobiologie. 14-16 septembre 2016, 2016. [Natl Conf without Acts]bib
5arrow E. Cornillon, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, G. Enée. Hybrid Gene Networks: a new Framework and a Software Environment, 45ème congrès de la Société Francophone de Chronobiologie. Strasbourg. 14-16 septembre 2016. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow B. Miraglio, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, C. Risso-de Faverney. Towards a Computer-Aided Toxycology, 3ème École thématique de Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique. Porquerolles, France. 6-10 juin 2016. [Poster]bib
7arrow E. Cornillon, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, G. Enée. Hybrid Gene Networks: a new Framework and a Software Environment, 3ème École thématique de Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique. Porquerolles, France. 6-10 juin 2016. [Poster]bib
8arrow J. Behaegel, J.-P. Comet, M. Folschette. A Hybridisation of the Genetically Modified Hoare Logic, 3ème École thématique de Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique. Porquerolles, France. 6-10 juin 2016. [Poster]bib


1arrow K.J.E. Carpio, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, F. Diener. Probabilistic Gene Network. In Proc. of the Thematic Research School on Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris). pp. 77-90, EDP Science, 2015. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J. Behaegel, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, E. Cornillon, F. Delaunay. A hybrid model of cell cycle in mammals, 6th International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics (CSBio'2015). Bangkok, Thailand. November 22-25, 2015, 2015. [Cf. Journals Behaegel et al. 2016]. [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, O. Roux. A genetically modified Hoare logic that identifies the parameters of a gene network, 13th international Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB 2015). Nantes, France. Sept. 16-18, 2015, LNBI. vol. 9308 pp. 8-12, 2015. [Intl Invited Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J.-P. Comet, A. Richard, A. Muzy. Plasticité des neurones biologiques: un modèle de Réseaux Booléens avec règle de Hebb. Séminaire pour un groupe d'étudiants en visite à l'I3S, Nice (France), 6 janvier 2015. [Seminar]


1arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, E.H. Snoussi. Formal methods applied to gene network modelling. In Logical Modeling of Biological Systems (eds. K. Inoue, L. Fariñas). pp. 245-289, ISBN 978-1-84821-680-8, ISTE & Wiley, 2014. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J.-P. Comet, A. Richard, A. Muzy. Plasticité des réseaux de neurones: Un modèle de Réseaux Booléens avec règle de Hebb, Workshop sur la Théorie des réseaux booléens et ses applications en biologie. Nice, France. 4-7 novembre, 2014. [Natl Invited Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow J.-P. Comet, M. Noual, A. Richard, J. Aracena, L. Calzone, J. Demongeot, M. Kaufman, A. Naldi, E.H. Snoussi, D. Thieffry. On circuit functionality in Boolean networks. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 75(6):906-919, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s11538-013-9829-2 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, C. Risso-de Faverney. Regulatory networks. In Computational Toxicology (eds. B. Reisfeld, A. Mayeno). pp. Volume II, pp 215-234, ISBN 978-1-62703-058-8 (print) 978-1-62703-059-5 (online), 2013. DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-059-5_9 [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, A. Richard, M. Chaves, J.-L. Gouzé, F. Dayan. Modeling and analysis of gene regulatory networks. In Modeling in Computational Biology and Biomedicine, A Multidisciplinary Endeavor (eds. F. Cazals, P. Kornprobst). pp. 47-80, ISBN 978-3-642-31208-3, Springer, 2013. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. A Hoare logic for gene regulatory networks, 2nd Workshop on Computational Structural Biology: Integrative Approaches for Modeling Biomolecular Complexes. Nice, France. May 29-31, 2013, 2013. [Intl Invited Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, Z. Khalis, A. Richard, O. Roux. An extension of Hoare logic to identify the parameters of gene regulatory networks, Modélisation Mathématique des Systèmes Complexes, SMAI & SMF. Ecole Centrale Paris. 11-13 décembre, 2013. [Natl Invited Conf]bib


1arrow A. Richard, G. Rossignol, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, J. Guespin-Michel, A. Merieau. Boolean models of biosurfactants production in Pseudomonas fluorescens. PlosOne. 7(1):e24651, 2012. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0024651 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow S. Taati, E. Formenti, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. On the impact of the distance between two genes on their interaction curve. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 64(1):131-147, 2012. DOI 10.1007/s00285-010-0373-5 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, A. Das, F. Diener, C. Massot, A. Cessieux. Simplified models for the mammalian circadian clock. In Proc. of the Evry Spring school on Modelling complex biological systems in the context of genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris). pp. 85-106, EDP Science. [Cf. Conférences 15], 2012. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot, A. Das, F. Diener, C. Massot, A. Cessieux. Simplified models for the mammalian circadian clock, 3rd International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics (CSBio'2012). Bangkok, Thailand. October 3-5, 2012, Procedia Computer Science. vol. 11 pp. 127-138, 2012. [Cf. Chapters 11]. DOI 10.1016/j.procs.2012.09.014 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow A. Das, F. Diener, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Simplified model for the mammalian circadian clock, Thematic school on "Modelling complex biological systems in the context of genomics". Evry, France. 21-25 may 2012. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow J.-P. Comet. Introduction of time delays in formal models of gene regulatory networks. Séminaire, Impérial College, London, GB, 16 mai 2012. [Seminar]
7arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, J. Guespin. On the use of temporal formal logic to deduce the parameters of a gene regulatory network. Séminaire, Imperial College, London, GB, 16 mai, 2012. [Seminar]


1arrow M. Mabrouki, M. Aiguier, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall, A. Richard. Embedding of biological regulatory networks and properties preservation. Mathematics in Computer Science. 5(3):263-288, 2011. special issue. DOI 10.1007/s11786-011-0092-3 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow A. Richard, J.-P. Comet. Stable periodicities and negative circuits in differential systems. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 63(3):593-600, 2011. [online dec. 1st, 2010]. See also Erratum, 2015. DOI 10.1007/s00285-010-0388-y [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, Z. Khalis. Une extension de la logique de Hoare pour les réseaux génétique, Rencontre scientifique : "Formalisme logique, apports et défis pour la modélisation de réseaux de régulation biologique". Rabat, Maroc. 12-15 avril, 2011. [Natl Invited Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow A. Das, F. Diener, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Computational model for the mammalian circadian clock, Sophia-Antipolis, France. 23-27 may 2011. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow J.-P. Comet. A Hoare Logic for discrete dynamical systems: application to gene networks. Séminaire, CI2MA, University of Concepción, Chili, 17 novembre 2011. [Seminar]


1arrow J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Introducing continuous time in discrete models of gene regulatory networks. In Proc. of the Evry Spring school on Modelling complex biological systems in the context of genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris). pp. 61-94, ISBN : 978-2-7598-0545-7, EDP Science, 2010. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J.-P. Comet, J. Fromentin, G. Bernot, O. Roux. A formal model for gene regulatory networks with time delays, 1st International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics (CSBio'2010). Bangkok, Thailand. November 3-5, 2010, CCIS. vol. 115 pp. 1-13, 2010. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-16750-8_1 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, E. Formenti, S. Taati. Gene regulatory networks: the impact of distance between genes, 19th International Symposium in Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS'2010. Budapest (Hungary). July 5-9, 2010, 2010. [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J.-P. Comet. Modélisation discrète et modélisation hybride de régulation génétique, Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs «Modélisation formelle de réseaux de régulation biologique», Ile de Porquerolles, 6-11 juin 2010. [Thematic School Lecture]
5arrow Z. Khalis, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Using Hoare logic for constraining parameters of discrete models of gene networks, JOBIM'2010. Montpellier. 7-9 septembre 2010. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow Z. Khalis, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Using Hoare logic for constraining parameters of discrete models of gene networks, Ecole thématique "Modélisation de systèmes biologiques complexes dans le contexte de la génomique". Evry. 3-7 mai 2010. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
7arrow A. Das, F. Diener, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Correspondence between discrete and continuous models of gene regulatory network, Ecole thématique "Modélisation de systèmes biologiques complexes dans le contexte de la génomique". Evry. 3-7 mai 2010. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
8arrow J.-P. Comet. Modélisation discrète et modélisation hybride de régulation génétique. séminaire du pôle MDSC, I3S, Université de Nice-Sophia, 23 juin 2010. [Seminar]


1arrow Z. Khalis, J.-P. Comet, A. Richard, G. Bernot. The SMBioNet Method for Discovering Models of Gene Regulatory Networks. Genes, Genomes and Genomics. 3(special issue 1):15-22, 2009. [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow S. Troncale, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Enzymatic Competition: Modeling and Verification with Timed Hybrid Petri Nets. Pattern Recognition. 42(4):562-566, 2009. DOI 10.1016/j.patcog.2008.09.019 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow Z. Khalis, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, Observability Group. Gene Regulatory Networks: Introduction of multiplexes into R. Thomas' modelling. In Proc. of the Nice Spring school on Modelling complex biological systems in the context of genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris, G. Bernot). pp. 139-151, ISBN : 978-2-7598-0437-5, EDP Science, 2009. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. On the use of temporal formal logic to model gene regulatory networks, 6th International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and biostatistics (CIBB'2009). Eds. F. Masulli, L. Peterson, R. Tagliaferri. Genova, Italy. October 15th-17th 2009, LNBI. vol. 6160 pp. 112-138, 2009. [Intl Invited Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow M. Poudret, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall, F. Képès, A. Arnould, P. Meseure. Topology-based abstraction of complex biological systems: Application to the Golgi apparatus. Theory in Biosciences. 127:79-88, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s12064-008-0030-3 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J. Ahmad, O. Roux, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, A. Richard. Analysing formal models of genetic regulatory networks with delays: Applications to lambda phage and T-cell activation systems. Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications. 4(3):240-262, 2008. DOI 10.1504/IJBRA.2008.019573 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow M. Poudret, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall, F. Képès, A. Arnould, P. Meseure, J.-M. Verbavatz, A. Rambourg. Toward a computer-aided methodology for topology-based simulation of the Golgi apparatus. In Proc. of the Lille Spring school on Modelling complex biological systems in the context of genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris, P. Tracqui). pp. 89-104, ISBN : 978-2-7598-0075-9, EDP Science, 2008. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, Z. Khalis. Gene regulatory networks with multiplexes, European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ESM'2008. Le Havre (France). October 27-29, 2008, 2008. ISBN 978-90-77381-44-1, pp. 423-432, 2008. [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow M. Poudret, A. Arnould, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall. Graph Transformation for Topology Modelling, International Conference on Graph Transformation. Leicester (United Kingdom). September 7-13, 2008, LNCS. vol. 5214 pp. 147-161, 2008. DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-87405-8_11 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow M. Mabrouki, M. Aiguier, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall. Property preservation along embedding of biological regulatory networks, Algebraic Biology. Austria. July 31st-August 2d, 2008, LNCS. vol. 5147 pp. 125-138, 2008. DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-85101-1_10 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
7arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, J. Guespin. A Discrete Approach to Model Biological Gene Regulatory Networks and the Use of Temporal Logic to Propose Wet Experiments, Gene regulatory networks: Dynamics, spatial organization and inference: Gennetec International Conference. Torino, Italy. April 23th-2th 2008, 2008. [Intl Invited Conf]bib
8arrow M. Manceny, J.-P. Comet, J.-P. Gallois, P. Le Gall. Model-checking for parametric transition systems based on symbolic execution - Extended version, Rapport de recherche de l'École Centrale Paris. 2008. [Research Report]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow S. Troncale, R. Thuret, C. Ben, N. Pollet, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Modelling of the TH-dependent regulation of tadpole tail resorption. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry. 7(2):45-50, 2007. URL [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow A. Richard, J.-P. Comet. Necessary conditions for multistationarity in discrete dynamical systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 155(18):2403-2413, 2007. DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2007.04.019 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow D. Mateus, J.-P. Gallois, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall. Symbolic modeling of genetic regulatory networks. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 5(2B):627-640, 2007. DOI 10.1142/S0219720007002850 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, J. Guespin. Elucider le fonctionnement d'un réseau de régulation biologique par l'informatique. numéro spécial sur la biologie intégrative, coordinateur F. Rechenmann, Mensuel de vulgarisation Biofutur. 275:22-25, 2007. [Natl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow D. Mateus, J.-P. Comet, J.-P. Gallois, P. Le Gall. Inferring parameters of genetic regulatory networks with symbolic formal methods. In Proc. of the Evry Spring school on Modelling complex biological systems in the context of genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris, P. Tracqui). pp. 51-70, ISBN : 978-2-7598-0019-3, EDP Science, 2007. [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow Modélisation et simulation pour la post-génomique (eds. J.-P. Comet, M. Kaufman), numéro spécial de T.S.I., 26:1-2, [éditorial de 4 pages], 2007. [Edition of Special Issue]ps-pdf-htmlbib
7arrow S. Troncale, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Verification of biological models with timed hybrid Petri nets, Proc. of the 2007 Intl Symp on Computational Models for Life Sciences (CMLS07). Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. December 17-19 , 2007, American Institute of Physics Conference Proc Series (AIP). vol. 952 pp. 287-296, 2007. Pham, Tuan D.; Zhou, Xiaobo Eds, ISBN 978-0-7354-0466-3. [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
8arrow J. Fromentin, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall, O. Roux. Analysing Gene Regulatory Networks by both Constraint Programming and Model-Checking, EMBC'07, 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Lyon, France. August 23-26, 2007 pp. 4595-4598, 2007. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4353363 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
9arrow S. Troncale, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Validation of biological models with Temporal Logic and Timed Hybrid Petri Nets, EMBC'07, 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Lyon, France. August 23-26, 2007 pp. 4603-4608, 2007. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4353365 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
10arrow M. Poudret, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall, A. Arnould, Ph. Meseure. Topology-based Geometric Modelling for Biological Cellular Processes, LATA 2007, first International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications. Tarragona, Spain. March 29 - April 4, 2007 pp. 497-508, 2007. The proceedings are available on the website of the conference, Taux d'acceptation : 27.5%. [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
11arrow D. Mateus, J.-P. Comet, J.-P. Gallois, P. Le Gall. Modeling Genetic Regulatory Networks from specified behaviors, BioSysBio'2007 (Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, synthetic biology). Manchester, UK. Jan. 11th- Jan. 13th , 2007, 2007. [abstract will be published in BMC Systems Biology -- feb. 2007]. [Intl Conf without Acts]ps-pdf-htmlbib
12arrow F. Diener, A. Das, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, F. Eyssette. Correspondence between discrete and piecewise linear models of gene regulatory networks, actes du colloque à la mémoire d'Emmanuel Isambert, "Philosophie, méthodologie et applications de l'analyse non standard". Eds. A. Fruchard, V. Gautheron & T. Sari. Univ. Paris 7. 21-22 décembre, 2007. Publications de l'Université de Paris 13, pp. 185-194, 14 février 2012. [Natl Invited Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
13arrow J. Fromentin, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall, O. Roux. Analysing gene regulatory networks by both constraint programming and model-checking, Ecole thématique "Modélisation de systèmes biologiques complexes dans le contexte de la génomique". Evry. 30 avril - 4 mai 2007. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
14arrow M. Poudret, J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall, A. Arnould, P. Meseure. Topological Approach of the Golgi Apparatus: Towards a Discriminating Modelling ?, Ecole thématique "Modélisation de systèmes biologiques complexes dans le contexte de la génomique". Evry. 30 avril - 4 mai 2007. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
15arrow S. Troncale, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. A Temporal Logic with Event Clock Automata for Timed Hybrid Petri Nets, 2007. [Research Report]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow J. Ahmad, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, D. Lime, O. Roux. Hybrid modelling and dynamical analysis of gene regulatory networks with delays. ComPlexUs. 3(4):231-251 (Cover Date: November 2007), 2006. DOI 10.1159/000110010 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow D. Filopon, A. Merieau, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, R. Leberre, B. Guery, B. Polack, J. Guespin-Michel. Epigenetic acquisition of inducibility of type III cytotoxicity in P. aeruginosa. BMC Bioinformatics. 7:272, 2006. DOI 10.1186/1471-2105-7-272 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow A. Richard, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Formal Methods for Modeling Biological Regulatory Networks. In Modern Formal Methods and Applications (eds. H.A. Gabbar). pp. 83-122, ISBN: 1-4020-4222-1, Springer, 2006. DOI 10.1007/1-4020-4223-X_5 [Chapter]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J. Ahmad, A. Richard, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, O. Roux. Delays in Biological Regulatory Networks, IWBRA 2006 / ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference. May 2006, LNCS. vol. 3992 pp. 887-894, 2006. Taux d'acceptation : 37%. DOI 10.1007/11758525_118 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, J. Guespin. Using Formal Temporal Logic to Model Biological Regulatory Networks and to Propose New Wet Experiments, Genetics meets Systems Biology: Theory and Practice. Paris. November 13-15, 2006, 2006. Abstract in Proc. of SGF annual meeting, p.17. [Intl Invited Conf]bib
6arrow S. Troncale, R. Thuret, C. Ben, N. Pollet, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Modélisation de la régulation TH-dépendante de la résoption de la queue du tétard, Journée thématique RIAMS. le 29 novembre 2006, 2006. [Natl Conf without Acts]bib
7arrow D. Mateus, J.-P. Gallois, P. Le Gall, J.-P. Comet. Determining constraints in models of genetic regulatory networks using symbolic analysis, Jobim'2006. Bordeaux. 5-7 juillet, 2006. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
8arrow J.-P. Comet. De la bio-informatique textuelle à une approche formelle de la biologie des systèmes. mémoire d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université d'Evry-Val d'Essonne, 20 Novembre 2006. ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow A. Richard, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. R. Thomas' modeling of biological regulatory networks: Introduction of singular states in the qualitative dynamics. Fundamenta informaticae. 65(4):373-392, 2005. [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J.-P. Comet, H. Klaudel, S. Liauzu. Modeling multi-valued genetic regulatory networks using high-level Petri nets, ICATPN 2005. June 2005, LNCS. vol. 3536 pp. 208-227, 2005. DOI 10.1007/11494744_13 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow A. Richard, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Graph-based Modeling of Biological Regulatory Networks : Introduction of Singular States, International workshop on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB). Paris, France. May 26-28, 2004, LNBI. vol. 3082 pp. 58-72, 2005. DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-25974-9_6 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, J. Guespin. Formal methods from computer science to treat temporal properties of biological regulatory networks, applied to mucus production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Symposium "Modeling approaches in Systems Biology, Physiology, and Pathophysiology", 4th World Congress of Cell and Molecular Biology. Poitiers (Futuroscope). October 7-12, 2005, 2005. [Intl Invited Conf]bib
5arrow J. Guespin-Michel, D. Filopon, A. Mérieau, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, B. Polack. Approche logique, bio-informatique et expérimentale de la dynamique d'un réseau de régulation chez Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Réunion satellite de JOBIM 2005 : "Modélisation Dynamique de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique : Des mesures aux modèles et des modèles aux mesures". 9 juillet 2005, 2005. [Other Natl Conf]bib
6arrow J. Ahmad, A. Richard, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, O. Roux. Delays in Biological Regulatory networks, IPG'05. Lyon, France. December 1-2, 2005. [Poster]bib
7arrow A. Richard, J.-P. Comet. Necessary conditions for multistationarity in discrete dynamical systems, 2005. [Research Report]bib
8arrow J.-P. Comet. Modélisation qualitative des Réseaux de régulation génétique. Séminaire BIOALGOME, Prism, UVSQ, 15 décembre 2005. [Seminar]
9arrow J.-P. Comet. Simulation qualitative des Réseaux de régulation biologique, modèle de H. de Jong. groupe de travail "Observabilité", génopole Evry, 24 novembre 2005. [Seminar]
10arrow J.-P. Comet, A. Richard, G. Bernot. Quelques problèmes autour de la modélisation des réseaux de régulation de R. Thomas. Séminaire, ENS Ulm, département informatique, Paris, 20 mai 2005. [Seminar]
11arrow J.-P. Comet. Représentation bipartie des réseaux de régulation biologique de R. Thomas. Séminaire du groupe de travail "Observabilité", génopole Evry, 27 janvier 2005. [Seminar]


1arrow J. Guespin-Michel, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, A. Mérieau, A. Richard, C. Hulen, B. Polack. Epigenesis and dynamic similarity in two regulatory networks in pseudomonas aeruginosa. Acta Biotheoretica. 52(4):379-390, 2004. DOI 10.1023/B:ACBI.0000046604.18092.a7 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, A. Richard, J. Guespin. Application of Formal Methods to Biological Regulatory Networks: Extending Thomas' Asynchronous Logical Approach with Temporal Logic. J.T.B.. 229(3):339-347, 2004. DOI 10.1016/j.jtbi.2004.04.003 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow G. Mercier, N. Berthault, J. Mary, J. Peyre, A. Antoniadis, J.-P. Comet, A. Cornuéjols, C. Froidevaux, M. Dutreix. Biological detection of low radiation by combining results of two microarray analysis methods. Nucleic Acids Research. 32(1):e12, 2004. DOI 10.1093/nar/gnh002 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
4arrow J. Guespin, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Les réseaux de régulation biologique: rencontre entre biologie et informatique. T.S.I.. 23(7):939-945, 2004. [Natl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow J. Mary, G. Mercier, J.-P. Comet, A. Cornuéjols, C. Froidevaux, M. Dutreix. Utilisation d'une méthode de sélection d'attributs pour l'analyse du transcriptome de cellules de levures exposées à de faibles doses de radiation. In Informatique pour l'analyse du transcriptome (eds. J.-F. Boulicaut, O. Gandrillon). pp. 189-205, ISBN: 2-7462-0850-4, Hermes, 2004. [Chapter]bib
6arrow Modelling and simulation of biological processes in the context of genomics (eds. P. Amar, J.-P. Comet, F. Képès, V. Norris). ISBN : 2 84704 0374, Publisher Frontier group, 2004. [Edition]bib
7arrow J.-P. Comet, H. Klaudel, S. Liauzu. Qualitative Modelling of genetic networks using high level Petri nets, IPG'2004. Lyon, France. October 14-15, 2004, 2004. [Intl Conf without Acts]ps-pdf-htmlbib
8arrow M. Dutreix, J.-P. Comet, A. Cornuéjols, C. Froidevaux. Determination of cellular drug targets: Searching for functional informations in the jungle of microarrays data, Current Trends in Drug Discovery Research. India. Feb. 17-20, 2004, 2004. [Intl Invited Conf]bib
9arrow J. Guespin, G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, A. Mérieau, B. Polack. Une approche bio-informatique de la dynamique d'un réseau de régulation chez Pseudomonas aeruginosa, VIème congrès de la SFM. 10 - 12 Mai 2004, 2004. [Natl Conf without Acts]bib
10arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, J. Guespin. Mise au point de modèles discrets de réseaux de régulation biologiques par le model checking, la mucoidie chez P.aeruginosa, Journées "Logique temporelle et model checking pour les réseaux de régulation biologiques", ACI-IMPBio VICANNE. Evry, France. 13-14 septembre 2004, 2004. [Other Natl Conf]bib
11arrow J.-P. Comet, P. Le Gall, G. Bernot. Qualitative Modelling of genetic networks: Extracting experiment schema from modelling, IPG'2004. Lyon, France. October 13-15, 2004. [Poster]ps-pdf-htmlbib
12arrow J.-P. Comet, H. Klaudel, S. Liauzu. Modeling Multi-Valued Genetic Regulatory Networks Using High-Level Petri Nets, 2004. [Research Report]ps-pdf-htmlbib
13arrow J. Guespin, J.-P. Comet. Méthodes formelles appliquées aux réseaux de régulation de R. Thomas. Séminaire IGM, Orsay, France, 21 septembre 2004. [Seminar]


1arrow J.-P. Comet. Application of Max-Plus algebra to biological sequence comparisons. Theoretical Computer Science. 293:189-217, 2003. DOI 10.1016/S0304-3975(02)00237-2 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow G. Bernot, J. Guespin-Michel, J.-P. Comet, P. Amar, A. Zemirline, F. Delaplace, P. Ballet, A. Richard. Modelling, observability and experiment: a case study. In Proc. of the Dieppe Spring school on Modelling and simulation of biological processes in the context of genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris, P. Tracqui). pp. 49-55, ISBN : 2-84704-036-6, Publisher Frontier group, 2003. [Chapter]bib
3arrow J. Mary, G. Mercier, J.-P. Comet, A. Cornuéjols, C. Froidevaux, M. Dutreix. Using an attribute estimation technique for the analysis of microarray data. In Proc. of the Dieppe Spring school on Modelling and simulation of biological processes in the context of genomics (eds. P. Amar, F. Képès, V. Norris, P. Tracqui). pp. 69-77, ISBN : 2-84704-036-6, Publisher Frontier group, 2003. [Chapter]bib
4arrow G. Bernot, F. Cassez, J.-P. Comet, F. Delaplace, C. Müller, O. Roux, O. Roux. Semantics of Biological Regulatory Networks, BioConcur, Workshop on Concurrent Models in Molecular Biology. Marseille, France. 6 September, 2003, ENTCS, 2003. DOI 10.1016/j.entcs.2004.01.038 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow S. Pérès, J.-P. Comet. Contribution of computational tree logic to biological regulatory networks: example from pseudomonas aeruginosa, International workshop on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB). Rovereto, Italy. February 24-26, 2003, LNCS. vol. 2602 pp. 47-56, 2003. Taux d'acceptation: 28 %. DOI 10.1007/3-540-36481-1_5 [Intl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow G. Bernot, O. Roux, C. Auberger, V. Bassano, F. Cassez, J.-P. Comet, F. Delaplace, A. Richard, O. Roux, F. Tahi. Temporal logics and biological regulatory networks, ECCB Satellite Meeting on Modeling and Simulation of Biological Regulatory Processes. Paris. October 1, 2003, 2003. [Intl Conf without Acts]bib
7arrow S. Pérès, J.-P. Comet. A formal approach to modelize biological regulatory networks, Workshop theoretical biophysics. Hiddensee, Germany. April 02-05, 2003, 2003. [Intl Conf without Acts]ps-pdf-htmlbib
8arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Logique temporelle et Model-Checking pour les réseaux de régulation biologiques, 3ème Journées de Post-Génomique de la Doua (JPGD'03). Lyon, France. 14-16 mai, 2003. [Natl Invited Conf]bib
9arrow J. Guespin-Michel, J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Comment valider un modèle mathématique en biologie?, AFADL'03. Rennes, France. 15-17 janvier, 2003. [Natl Invited Conf]bib
10arrow G. Mercier, J. Mary, J.-P. Comet, A. Cornuéjols, C. Froidevaux, M. Dutreix. Information mining of microarray data: comparison of results generated by different analysis methods, Modélisation et simulation de processus dans le contexte de la biologie. Dieppe, France. 11-16 mai 2003, 2003. (sera publié dans les Proceedings). [Natl Conf without Acts]bib
11arrow J. Mary, G. Mercier, J.-P. Comet, A. Cornuéjols, C. Froidevaux, M. Dutreix. Utilisation d'une méthode de sélection d'attributs pour l'analyse du transcriptome de cellules de levure exposées à de faibles doses de radiation, 3ème Journées de Post-Génomique de la Doua (JPGD'03). Lyon, France. 14-16 mai 2003, 2003. [Natl Conf without Acts]bib
12arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet. Logique temporelle et Model-Checking pour les réseaux de régulation biologiques, Club SEE "Systemes Informatiques de Confiance". ENST Paris, France. 19 juin 2003, 2003. [Other Natl Conf]bib
13arrow J.-P. Comet, A. Richard. SMBioNet: a Tool for Modeling Biological Regulatory Networks Driven by Temporal Behavior, ECCB'03. Paris, France. September 27-30, 2003. [Poster]bib
14arrow G. Bernot, J.-P. Comet, A. Richard, J. Guespin-Michel. A Fruitful Application of Formal Methods to Biological Regulatory Networks: extending Thomas' logical approach with temporal logic, 2003. [Research Report]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow J.-P. Comet, J. Henry. Pairwise sequence alignment using a PROSITE pattern-derived similarity score. Computers & Chemistry. 26(5):421-436, 2002. DOI 10.1016/S0097-8485(02)00005-0 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow G. Bernot, J. Michel-Guespin, A. Zemirline, J.-P. Comet, F. Delaplace, P. Ballet, P. Amar. Modélisation, observabilité et expérimentation : étude d'un cas, boucle de rétroaction positive dans un réseau de régulation génétique, Autran seminar (Isère). . 17-21 Mars, 2002. [Natl Invited Conf]bib
3arrow J.-P. Comet, S. Pérès, G. Bernot. CTL and biological regulatory networks : Example from P. Aeriginosa, Symposium on Macromolecular networks. Paris, France. July 8-12, 2002. [Poster]bib
4arrow J.-P. Comet, S. Pérès, G. Bernot. Un langage formel pour les réseaux de régulation : un exemple avec multi-stationarité, Jobim'2002. Saint-Malo, France. 10-12 juin 2002. [Poster]bib
5arrow G. Bernot, J. Guespin-Michel, A. Zemirline, J.-P. Comet, P. Amar, F. Delaplace, P. Ballet. Modelling, observability and experiment: a case study, 2002. [Research Report]ps-pdf-htmlbib
6arrow J.-P. Comet, G. Bernot. Logique temporelle et model-checking pour les réseaux de régulation biologique. Séminaire du groupe de travail "Observabilité", génopole Evry, 28 novembre 2002. [Seminar]
7arrow J.-P. Comet. Méthode de prédiction à partir des données transcriptionnelles: Combien de gènes témoins faut-il prendre en compte?. Séminaire du groupe de travail "Consensus", génopole Evry, 15 mai 2002. [Seminar]
8arrow J.-P. Comet. Recherche des gènes pouvant servir à la prédiction. Séminaire du groupe de travail "Consensus", génopole Evry, 7 mars 2002. [Seminar]


1arrow J.-N. Bacro, J.-P. Comet. Sequence alignment : an approximation law for the Z-value with applications to databank scanning. Computers & Chemistry. 25:401-410, 2001. DOI 10.1016/S0097-8485(01)00074-2 [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J.-P. Comet. Méthodes de prédiction à partir des données transcriptionnelles : Prise en compte des erreurs de mesure, IMPG. Marseille. 30 mars 2001, 2001. [Natl Conf without Acts]bib
3arrow J.-P. Comet. Extension of dynamic programming sequence alignment to pattern, WABI'2001. Arhus, Denmark. August 27-31, 2001. [Poster]bib
4arrow J.-P. Comet, J. Henry. Sequence alignment : Extension of dynamic programming to pattern, 2001. [Research Report]ps-pdf-htmlbib
5arrow J.-P. Comet. Méthodes de prédiction à partir des données transcriptionnelles : Prise en compte des erreurs de mesure. Séminaire du groupe de travail "Consensus", génopole Evry, 11 avril 2001. [Seminar]


1arrow J.-P. Comet, F. Tahi. Structuration et analyse des données d'expression de gènes, Journées Péri-Bio à l'université d'Evry. Evry, France. 25 avril, 2000. [Natl Invited Conf]bib
2arrow J.-N. Bacro, J.-P. Comet. Approximated asymptotic law of Z-value and applications, 2000. [Research Report]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow J.-P. Comet, J.-C. Aude, E. Glémet, A. Hénaut, J.-L. Risler, P.P. Slonimski, J.-J. Codani. Significance of Z-value statistic of Smith-Waterman Scores for Protein alignments. Computers & Chemistry. 23(3-4):317-331, 1999. Special issue. DOI 10.1016/S0097-8485(99)00008-X [Intl J.]ps-pdf-htmlbib
2arrow J.-J. Codani, J.-P. Comet, J.-C. Aude, E. Glémet, A. Wozniak, J.-L. Risler, A. Hénaut, P.P. Slonimski. Automatic analysis of large scale pairwise alignments of protein sequences. In Methods in microbiology Vol. 28, Automation, Genomic and Functional Analysis pp. 229-244, Academic Press, 1999. [Chapter]bib
3arrow J.-N. Bacro, J.-P. Comet. Comparaison de séquences : Loi asymptotique du Z-score et applications, XXXIèmes journées de Statistiques. Grenoble, France. 17-21 mai 1999, 1999. [Natl Conf without Acts]bib
4arrow J.-P. Comet. Using error propagation for class prediction. Seminar, Whitehead Institute / MIT Center for Genome Research, Cambridge (MA), USA, November 1999. [Seminar]
5arrow J.-P. Comet. Chips quality and error bars. Seminar, Whitehead Institute / MIT Center for Genome Research, Cambridge (MA), USA, June 1999. [Seminar]


1arrow P.P. Slonimski, M.-O. Mossé, P. Golik, A. Hénaut, Y. Diaz, J.-L. Risler, J.-P. Comet, J.-C. Aude, A. Wozniak, E. Glémet, J.-J. Codani. The first laws of genomics. , Microbial and Comparative Genomics in Microbial Genomes II: Sequencing, Functional Analysis and Comparative Genomics. January 31 - February 4, 1998. vol. 3 pp. 46, 1998. [Intl Invited Conf]bib
2arrow J.-P. Comet. Automates (max,+) et Alignements de séquences biologiques, GdR/PRC ALP et GdR/PRC Automatique. ENS Ulm. Novembre 1998, 1998. [Other Natl Conf]ps-pdf-htmlbib
3arrow J.-P. Comet. Programmation dynamique et comparaison de séquences biologiques. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Novembre 1998. ps-pdf-htmlps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow P.P. Slonimski, J.-L. Risler, M.-O. Mossé, A. Hénaut, Y. Diaz, J.-P. Comet, J.-C. Aude, E. Glémet, J.-J. Codani. What can we learn about proteins from complete sequences of microbial genome, Protein Science. vol. 6 Suppl. 1, 1997. [Intl Invited Conf]bib
2arrow J.-P. Comet. Comparaison de séquences biologiques : Interprétation statistique du score Smith et Waterman, Un autre indice de similarité : Le Z-score, XXIXèmes journées de Statistiques. Carcassonne, France. 26-30 Mai 1997, 1997. [Natl Conf without Acts]bib
3arrow J.-P. Comet. Interprétation statistique du score Smith-Waterman. Un autre indice de similarité : le z-score. Séminaire du groupe "Statistique des Sequences Biologiques", INRA (Jouy-en-Josas, 78), octobre 1997. [Seminar]
4arrow J.-P. Comet. Analyse de données et Biologie moléculaire. Séminaire, LMCP, Jussieu (Paris), mars 1997. [Seminar]


1arrow J.-C. Aude, J.-P. Comet. Construction of protein sequences families, 24th Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky conference Bioinformatics-Structure. Jerusalem, Israel. November 17-21,1996, 1996. [Intl Conf without Acts]ps-pdf-htmlbib


1arrow J.-P. Comet, V. Froidure. Recherche de la meilleure base de décomposition et du meilleur filtre, Journée Ondelettes du pôle hydrodynamique de Rouen. juin 1992, 1992. [Other Natl Conf]bib
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